(09-09-2015, 08:54 AM)Shindoku90 Wrote: Hello everyone!
I just recently got into FF14, and I have played some of the previous console games. However, I have a bit of a newbie question. One that might not be FF14 related...
I notice that the settings and characters in each FF have bedn different. Are they different worlds than Eorzea? Are they the same worlds, but different continents? I guess what Im trying to figure out, is the basic connections to the games' continuity and, can the previous games be traced within a timeline of FF14? Such as FF7-- what time was the game set in the worlds timline, if FF7 was connected to FF14?
Sorry if these are silly questions. Im just looking for basic answers to make sense of things.
There is no specified chronology between Final Fantasy games; they are, except in the instances of direct sequels, spinoffs, and the like, their own self-contained worlds and stories, usually with no influence on the others.
Now, I say usually, because recently Square Enix has been playing around with connecting the games in a "multiverse" fashion; think the multiple-dimensions setups of DC and Marvel. Every once in a while, bits and pieces of one Final Fantasy game might end up in another Final Fantasy game; Lightning has paid two trips to Eorzea, for instance, and FFXI has bled into FFXIV a few times.
Whether or not this is canon or just for fun on Squeenix's part depends on who you ask, since these were special two-times-or-so events, but time and dimension travel is a recurring facet of the Final Fantasy series.