Unfortunately, I'm too entrenched (over 1mil's worth of private chambers purchased and more on the way - I just don't have that kind of gil to throw around, especially if I'd be wanting a house) and I mostly keep a USA schedule anyway (despite living in the UK). Furthermore, I already have 10 alts to try and shepherd - they used to be split across Aether and Primal, but I recently transferred my Primal alts to Midgardsomr (on Aether) because I kept forgetting they existed what with having to change data centres to view them... Lastly, I'm kind of allergic to small communities/servers. I played in one for almost 10 years and it ended horribly for me - something in my personal life which shouldn't have been an issue quickly became a matter over which I could expect to be namecalled even by strangers, and by people who had been my friends since I was a kid. Unless the new community manages to reach Balmung-like proportions, I probably won't be comfortable there.
So, despite being an EU RPer, I probably won't be joining you. I wanted to share my reasoning... mostly so you could see it's largely personal, and nothing that's being done wrong by yous!
So, despite being an EU RPer, I probably won't be joining you. I wanted to share my reasoning... mostly so you could see it's largely personal, and nothing that's being done wrong by yous!