(05-17-2017, 10:10 AM)Kai â™ Wrote: What happens to all the NA players who are currently in a FC that is run by a EU player if that leader decides to move?
Just asking out of pure curiosity since I know there are some pretty active guilds that have both EU and NA players in them.
As an EU FC Leader who's FC is full of NA folk, I ain't gonna leave. Being an FC leader means a lot of my own RP and gameplay is invested in the little group I have here on Balmung. Only in the extreme case of the game becoming unplayable because of ping would I consider fully moving my ass over to an EU server (I'd probably suffer a long time before doing so).Â
And then? I would discuss with my FC the future of our group, see if anyone wants to take over or perhaps merge with another. I don't see how it's much different if I just wanted to step down for a different reason.