I'm feeling like the ones who've responded to my comment about a split didn't read any further than my first sentence. The reason people typically rally against splits is because they lose things in the process of them. I've been through it a few times myself in different games and that's been the typical complaint. The idea I put forth is one in which players stand to lose nothing. From the player's perspective, the only differences would be that the server they're on has a different name, and, there'd be less people on it.
Lydia Lightfoot ~ The Reliquarian's Guild «Relic» ~ Lavender Beds, Ward 12, #41
This player has a sense of humor. If the content of the post suggests otherwise, please err on the side of amusement and friendship, because that's almost certainly the intent. We're all on the same team: Team Roleplayer! Have a smile, have a chuckle, and have a slice of pie. Isn't pie great?
This player has a sense of humor. If the content of the post suggests otherwise, please err on the side of amusement and friendship, because that's almost certainly the intent. We're all on the same team: Team Roleplayer! Have a smile, have a chuckle, and have a slice of pie. Isn't pie great?