(05-19-2017, 07:16 AM)Anehki Wrote: When Cerberus was really active mid HW, we used to encourage people to RP in the citie's when the inn we hosted in a large house wasn't always open, and if people got too comfortable we'd host the inn somewhere like Costa for a fun event, and to raise awareness.Been on Cerberus myself, can vouch it was there, however it was slice of life themed roleplay with a handful of people. Not my piece of cake, at all. There's a reason why I made an alt on Balmung at the time and didn't bother to RP there. Unless the server community attitude changed, I won't tell people to go there. I really felt awkward roleplaying there. Like. Really. Besides, its locked often as well what I've been told by my old friends there.
So no, I can't vouch for that server. I had a very fun time there as a raider, but if I was forced to go there for roleplay? I'd just given up on RP on FFXIV all together.