(07-10-2013, 05:30 PM)katattax Wrote: I had a quick look at the other linkshells but didn't see an EU-centric one. If none truly exists and I were to create one, would anyone want to be a part of it? Naturally we'd RP with whoever is online at the time but it might help to converge in one group during those times few NAers are online. Possibly also organise our own EU time zone events but we'll see.
What say ye?
Yes I would join.
I was suggesting the creation of an EU roleplayer Link Shell in the EU Roleplayers thread.  To avoid multiple threads sort of covering the same idea perhaps there needs to be a new thread specifically titled "EU Roleplayer Link Shell" or something similar. Â
I think the idea behind the Link Shell should be to allow roleplayers playing EU times (GMT to GMT+2/+3 perhaps) to keep in touch for roleplay opportunities and general assistance, so an OOC channel. Â Then if people are asked to post in that thread if they want to join it would give an indication of how many are interested.