(01-02-2014, 11:35 AM)Kendha Wrote: Much like roleplaying the Echo, I don't see anything inherently wrong with RPing a character as a Summoner/Black Mage/White Mage so long as the player respects the lore behind them without resorting to "Chosen One" tropes. Â It can be done. RPing a character as both a Black and White Mage would raise my eyebrows, though.
(Plus, honestly, locking out "classic" Final Fantasy jobs from RP just seems plain un-fun to me. I'm playing an FF MMO for a reason here!)
It's really hard to do that within the confines of the Lore for White Mage, since it's made explicitly clear during the questline that you're the only non-Padjal that's been allowed to become one in centuries. Â Oh, and the only reason you're allowed to become one is because the soul crystal of A'Towa-Kan or whatever chose you - and only you - to carry on his legacy.