Sure, they could be being idiots, or perhaps the situation isn't as dire as they're making it out to be, or otherwise some other more responsible Padjal would have interceded (though I haven't gotten far enough into the quest line to see if, indeed, this is a huge impending disaster, or two siblings blowing things out of proportion).
I'm curious about this statement that the Elementals are actively monitoring and manipulating the use of White Magic and Conjury. I've heard some mention of that coming from 1.x lore; do we have a citation on that for 2.x? Minus such lore, an equally plausible explanation (especially since 2.x makes the point in the MSQ that the elementals of the Shroud are dramatically less powerful than they were before) is that the Padjal, who run the Conjurers guild, just don't teach people the more powerful magics. They're forbidden by practice, not because elementals actively block it. Conjury isn't really controlling elementals, so much as it is calling forth and manipulating external Aether. Could elementals interfere with that? Sure, they could, but the storyline of 2.x (that I've seen) doesn't seem to make them out to be powerful enough to do that in reality. After all, woodsin and greenwrath were largely written out of 2.x.
Also, from a purely narrative perspective, there's a bit of a problem if you say "no abilities from White Mage can be used ICly," as that largely prevents IC dungeon runs, Primal fights, and the like for anyone using that job. That presents some problems in RP, IMO, and the easiest solution is to -- as many do with many other jobs -- genericize the main quest or figure out other ways around it. I'll admit I'm not a master of the White Mage job quest lore, but I'm a bit skeptical that the devs specifically wrote out any way for those abilities to show up for more than one character. I'm certainly open to being proven wrong, but then we have to deal with "how do those abilities get to show up in RP" -- as like Ildur, I'm a firm believer of "if you can get it on your sheet, you can have it (within reason and with narrative justification)."
I'm curious about this statement that the Elementals are actively monitoring and manipulating the use of White Magic and Conjury. I've heard some mention of that coming from 1.x lore; do we have a citation on that for 2.x? Minus such lore, an equally plausible explanation (especially since 2.x makes the point in the MSQ that the elementals of the Shroud are dramatically less powerful than they were before) is that the Padjal, who run the Conjurers guild, just don't teach people the more powerful magics. They're forbidden by practice, not because elementals actively block it. Conjury isn't really controlling elementals, so much as it is calling forth and manipulating external Aether. Could elementals interfere with that? Sure, they could, but the storyline of 2.x (that I've seen) doesn't seem to make them out to be powerful enough to do that in reality. After all, woodsin and greenwrath were largely written out of 2.x.
Also, from a purely narrative perspective, there's a bit of a problem if you say "no abilities from White Mage can be used ICly," as that largely prevents IC dungeon runs, Primal fights, and the like for anyone using that job. That presents some problems in RP, IMO, and the easiest solution is to -- as many do with many other jobs -- genericize the main quest or figure out other ways around it. I'll admit I'm not a master of the White Mage job quest lore, but I'm a bit skeptical that the devs specifically wrote out any way for those abilities to show up for more than one character. I'm certainly open to being proven wrong, but then we have to deal with "how do those abilities get to show up in RP" -- as like Ildur, I'm a firm believer of "if you can get it on your sheet, you can have it (within reason and with narrative justification)."
The Freelance Wizard
Quality RP at low, low prices!
((about me | about L'yhta Mahre | L'yhta's desk | about Mysterium, the Ivory Tower: a heavy RP society of mages))
Quality RP at low, low prices!
((about me | about L'yhta Mahre | L'yhta's desk | about Mysterium, the Ivory Tower: a heavy RP society of mages))