Quote:What happens in gameplay doesn't necessarily have to match lore at all. Gameplay always trumps lore.
That is true. Just as Tlamila said, if we used only gameplay, we would all be using Relic weapons, which are in most cases unique. However, there's a big difference between a Relic Weapon and a White Mage: the Relic weapon does not give you new skills. It's just a stat booster. Being a White Mage, on the other hand, grants you a set of unique skills that no other Job can use. What's more, we can induct that Relic weapons of which replicas can be made because they are objects. White Magic, however? There doesn't seem to be any in-lore way to replicate the powers of Succor.
Story informs gameplay. I know what potential spells I can make up for a Black Mage because the Job has a bunch of specific spells unique to it and its base class. I don't need lore to come and tell me "Your class can cast ice spells" to accept it as a lore friendly fact. I only need gameplay to tell me, because gameplay is informed by the lore. In the same way, I know what classes my character can be because gameplay allows me to be one.
Tlamila Wrote:I think what makes a RPer special is the power of imagination. Being able to see behind game mechanics, which are clearly not made with RP in mind.
And with the power of imagination, you can very well imaginate that the Padjal have been teaching White Magic since after they taught "the hero". Imagination doesn't just serve to see behind game mechanics, but also to see behind lore. And logic helps with silly lore restrictions that are detrimental to lore play, like this particular bit from the White Mage questline. Why punish all those people who had the very sensible assumption that their characters could ICly be what the game allows them to be?