I'd like to second what Brynn said that "Free companies" are proper "guilds" [a Heirarchy, guild chest, banner, and all that.] where as Linkshells only have a member list and chat functions. [also Freecompanies can have 500+ members, Linkshells just over 100]
Coffer and Coffin is a good idea is you want to show up towards the end as its winding down, or even stay more towards the campfire/the road to help mitigate how much text is scrolling through [I make the windows huge and still miss stuff Q_Q]
you could take a look at: http://ffxiv-roleplayers.com/showthread.php?tid=2436 for your mentor [or Europa, but thats up to you]
Coffer and Coffin is a good idea is you want to show up towards the end as its winding down, or even stay more towards the campfire/the road to help mitigate how much text is scrolling through [I make the windows huge and still miss stuff Q_Q]
you could take a look at: http://ffxiv-roleplayers.com/showthread.php?tid=2436 for your mentor [or Europa, but thats up to you]