Patch 3.15 ushered in the new Relic Weapon quests, and man are they a doozy. This is a guide intended to help people get started.
An Unexpected Proposal
The quest begins in Idyllshire, where a chat with Rowena will clue you into the new situation. After the cutscene, rendezvous with Gerolt in Azys Lla. He'll direct you to Mor Dhona, where the pain will begin.
Soul Without Life
You need an Astral Nodule and an Umbral Nodule to continue the quest. Your new friend Syndony has what you need, but she needs a few things first. Crystals, namely. Very rare, very specific crystals. Crystals that only come from completing FATEs in Heavensward zones at a low rate. Eighteen of them. No, they're not at all related to these "atma" things, what are you talking about? Anyway, you'll need:
3 Luminous Wind Crystals from the Sea of Clouds
3 Luminous Fire Crystals from Azys Lla
3 Luminous Lightning Crystals from Churning Mists
3 Luminous Ice Crystals from Coerthas West
3 Luminous Earth Crystals from the Dravanian Forelands
3 Luminous Water Crystals from the Dravanian Hinterlands
If you happen to have a Zeta weapon from the previous chain, this is where your advantage comes in. Syndony will happily use that instead, but you will actually lose your weapon if you trade it in! They warn you three times. Yes, it will still hurt.
Once you've got your nodules, you can return to Gerolt. You're rewarded with a very impressive item level 170 weapon that's identical in appearance to the esoterics weapon. Hey, what gives?
Toughening Up
Gerolt suggests again that you start slapping things with your weapon to make it resonate harder, better and faster. Why not go busy yourself and see what comes of it? It's dungeon time! You'll be sent to the following places:
Sastasha Hard Mode!
Qarn Hard Mode!
Keeper of the Lake!
Wanderer's Palace Hard Mode!
Ampador Keep Hard mode!
Dusk Vigil!
Sohm Al!
The Aery!
The Vault!
You have to have your weapon equipped when you finish the dungeon and the level 50 versions can be done unsynced. The Heavensward Dungeons cannot be done unsynched, so strap in.
When you're done, you'll get some dialogue with your new friend and then you're prompted to return to Gerolt. Doing so will nab you a (Weapon) Awoken, an item level 200 weapon that cannot be dyed, but has a nifty new glow! Wait a minute, though, that's still not a relic weapon!
Coming Into Its Own
Gerolt points you to a new friend in Mor Dhona who can get you the goods to make your weapon into an actual i210 piece of equipment. You're not going to like it very much, though. She has what you need, but she's not interested in selling. She wants to barter. Welcome to the grind. First rule: No shortcuts. You'll need
Enchanted Rubber
Fast-Drying Carboncoat
Fast-Acting Allagan Catalyst
Divine Water
but in order to get those, she wants
20 Unidentified Seeds
20 Unidentified Shells
20 Unidentified Ore
20 Unidentified Bones
4 HQ Dispelling Arrows
4 HQ Adamantite Francescas
4 HQ Titanium Alloy Mirrors
4 HQ Kingscakes
...hoo boy. Let's break that down. Unidentified Items are the new hotness, and they only come from a few locations:
Purchased for 1000 Allied Seals (from the OG hunts)
Purchased for 680 Law (Ore and Bones only)
Purchased for 680 Poetics (Shells and Seeds only)
Purchased for 10 Precision <Items> that drop in Alexander wings (once per KILL, not a lotted item)
Purchased for 18 Vanu Whitebones (New items that come from your Vanu dailies)
Purchased for 13 <Beastman Daily Items>. Each faction has their own reward for completing the 3 highest-tier dailies in the form of one new token. Thirteen tokens gets you an item.
Amal'jaa : Unidentified Bones
Kobold: Unidentified Ore
Sahagin: Unidentified Shell
Sylph: Unidentified Seeds
Ixal: No rewards!
Vanu: Any unidentified item
You're able to run 12 dailies a day, so you can get one item from the Vanu every 6 days and one from the other factions every five days.
This is a slow burn, folks. Don't make yourself hate the game by pushing hard to grind! You can just do a little every day to make progress. At a relaxed pace of just doing roulettes and dailies without extra work, you can knock it out in a month or so.
Will update as I clarify information!
Edit: Updated Sylph rewards, thanks Sounsyy!
So! You've ground yourself to a nub accumulating currencies and tokens and trading them for nonsense just in time to render your weapon obsolete. What comes next? Well, Patch 3.25 has you covered! Now, a mere week away from being able to purchase an i230 Hellfire/Torrent/Otherthings weapon with your hard-earned Alexander tokens, Square Enix is spitting in your eye with the ability to upgrade your relic to an i230, no-materia-slot-enabled glowstick!
Returning to Gerolt in Azys Lla will allow you to pick up the next quest, "Finding Your Voice." A brief cutscene informs you that you need to collect five bottles of Aetherial Oil. No, they don't tell you where to obtain it. Fortunately, this was discovered fairly quickly.
*Purchased for 1800 Esoterics in Idleshire.
*Received as a reward for completing the CT/ST/WoD weekly quest
Your options are to grind tomes, or to take 5 weeks collecting jars. As mentioned, if you've been clearing Alex 8 every week you should already be one week away from the token portion of the Lore weapon. Oh, and those Alex weapons have materia slots in them.
Thanks, SE!
An Unexpected Proposal
The quest begins in Idyllshire, where a chat with Rowena will clue you into the new situation. After the cutscene, rendezvous with Gerolt in Azys Lla. He'll direct you to Mor Dhona, where the pain will begin.
Soul Without Life
You need an Astral Nodule and an Umbral Nodule to continue the quest. Your new friend Syndony has what you need, but she needs a few things first. Crystals, namely. Very rare, very specific crystals. Crystals that only come from completing FATEs in Heavensward zones at a low rate. Eighteen of them. No, they're not at all related to these "atma" things, what are you talking about? Anyway, you'll need:
3 Luminous Wind Crystals from the Sea of Clouds
3 Luminous Fire Crystals from Azys Lla
3 Luminous Lightning Crystals from Churning Mists
3 Luminous Ice Crystals from Coerthas West
3 Luminous Earth Crystals from the Dravanian Forelands
3 Luminous Water Crystals from the Dravanian Hinterlands
If you happen to have a Zeta weapon from the previous chain, this is where your advantage comes in. Syndony will happily use that instead, but you will actually lose your weapon if you trade it in! They warn you three times. Yes, it will still hurt.
Once you've got your nodules, you can return to Gerolt. You're rewarded with a very impressive item level 170 weapon that's identical in appearance to the esoterics weapon. Hey, what gives?
Toughening Up
Gerolt suggests again that you start slapping things with your weapon to make it resonate harder, better and faster. Why not go busy yourself and see what comes of it? It's dungeon time! You'll be sent to the following places:
Sastasha Hard Mode!
Qarn Hard Mode!
Keeper of the Lake!
Wanderer's Palace Hard Mode!
Ampador Keep Hard mode!
Dusk Vigil!
Sohm Al!
The Aery!
The Vault!
You have to have your weapon equipped when you finish the dungeon and the level 50 versions can be done unsynced. The Heavensward Dungeons cannot be done unsynched, so strap in.
When you're done, you'll get some dialogue with your new friend and then you're prompted to return to Gerolt. Doing so will nab you a (Weapon) Awoken, an item level 200 weapon that cannot be dyed, but has a nifty new glow! Wait a minute, though, that's still not a relic weapon!
Coming Into Its Own
Gerolt points you to a new friend in Mor Dhona who can get you the goods to make your weapon into an actual i210 piece of equipment. You're not going to like it very much, though. She has what you need, but she's not interested in selling. She wants to barter. Welcome to the grind. First rule: No shortcuts. You'll need
Enchanted Rubber
Fast-Drying Carboncoat
Fast-Acting Allagan Catalyst
Divine Water
but in order to get those, she wants
20 Unidentified Seeds
20 Unidentified Shells
20 Unidentified Ore
20 Unidentified Bones
4 HQ Dispelling Arrows
4 HQ Adamantite Francescas
4 HQ Titanium Alloy Mirrors
4 HQ Kingscakes
...hoo boy. Let's break that down. Unidentified Items are the new hotness, and they only come from a few locations:
Purchased for 1000 Allied Seals (from the OG hunts)
Purchased for 680 Law (Ore and Bones only)
Purchased for 680 Poetics (Shells and Seeds only)
Purchased for 10 Precision <Items> that drop in Alexander wings (once per KILL, not a lotted item)
Purchased for 18 Vanu Whitebones (New items that come from your Vanu dailies)
Purchased for 13 <Beastman Daily Items>. Each faction has their own reward for completing the 3 highest-tier dailies in the form of one new token. Thirteen tokens gets you an item.
Amal'jaa : Unidentified Bones
Kobold: Unidentified Ore
Sahagin: Unidentified Shell
Sylph: Unidentified Seeds
Ixal: No rewards!
Vanu: Any unidentified item
You're able to run 12 dailies a day, so you can get one item from the Vanu every 6 days and one from the other factions every five days.
This is a slow burn, folks. Don't make yourself hate the game by pushing hard to grind! You can just do a little every day to make progress. At a relaxed pace of just doing roulettes and dailies without extra work, you can knock it out in a month or so.
Will update as I clarify information!
Edit: Updated Sylph rewards, thanks Sounsyy!
So! You've ground yourself to a nub accumulating currencies and tokens and trading them for nonsense just in time to render your weapon obsolete. What comes next? Well, Patch 3.25 has you covered! Now, a mere week away from being able to purchase an i230 Hellfire/Torrent/Otherthings weapon with your hard-earned Alexander tokens, Square Enix is spitting in your eye with the ability to upgrade your relic to an i230, no-materia-slot-enabled glowstick!
Returning to Gerolt in Azys Lla will allow you to pick up the next quest, "Finding Your Voice." A brief cutscene informs you that you need to collect five bottles of Aetherial Oil. No, they don't tell you where to obtain it. Fortunately, this was discovered fairly quickly.
*Purchased for 1800 Esoterics in Idleshire.
*Received as a reward for completing the CT/ST/WoD weekly quest
Your options are to grind tomes, or to take 5 weeks collecting jars. As mentioned, if you've been clearing Alex 8 every week you should already be one week away from the token portion of the Lore weapon. Oh, and those Alex weapons have materia slots in them.
Thanks, SE!