(12-18-2016, 04:13 PM)RavieRaptor Wrote: See, unlike you, I actually have to approach people to let them know I exist. I've made all different types of characters over 20+, just trying to get people to notice me and accept me into their rp groups. I probably have spent over 100 dollars on fantasias and name changes alone. It's always different reasons: If you play a miqo'te you're a slut, if you play an Au Ra you're weeb trash. If you play an lalafell, you're not taken seriously. If you play a midlander, you're boring and unoriginal. These are the many conflicts I have that I've heard from others when I make my characters. I can't find that niche.
(12-18-2016, 05:22 PM)RavieRaptor Wrote: Yeah, that seems to sum it up. I'm always scared people won't like me. I've had past issues where I hung out with one person and lost a whole group of friends and got kicked from my FC cause of it. I didn't realize till later how right the group was about said person. Ever since I haven't really found a character niche to make for RP, as mentioned in my previous comment.
These two bits stuck out to me.
As others have said already, pick one character that YOU like to play and stick with them. Changing looks & names like hats is really off-putting to others. They don't have time to get to know one character before you've discarded it. How can they believe you'll hold up your end of any long term RP plots if there's a good chance you're going to throw that character away next week? Try to not stay hyper-critical of your character. Like them; grow to love them; write blog posts about them and takes tons of screenshots to post somewhere. Develop their back story. Have fun with them!
I can tell you, as someone who actively plays several characters, it is VERY difficult to build RP relationship if you play many alts. The difficulty you face breaking into good RP social circles with ONE character... multiply that for every other character. (Hell... in my experience, it may be exponentially more difficult >_>). But I am committed to this style of playing and will stubbornly work extra hard to build RP relationships with others. I've been on Balmung a year now and am STILL working on this... But really, good RP is a relationship, you have to KEEP working at it, not just rest on your laurels once it's started.
As for that last bit, about being ostracized due to who you hung out with... I'm sorry, but it may take some time to repair this rift depending on just how bad it was.

Oh, and this part...
(12-18-2016, 04:13 PM)RavieRaptor Wrote: See, unlike you, I actually have to approach people to let them know I exist.
No matter how well known or 'in' someone is now, we ALL started from nothing. Every blessed one of us.