So, as far as I can tell, this discussion hasn't been brought up yet. If it has, please feel free to direct me to the thread.
This is one of those nitpicky little things that I always seem obsessed over. How are time and measurements calculated in Eorzea, how do they translate to our own, and how will the role-play community deal with them?
From what I can tell so far, time seems to be very similar to Vana'diel. There are months (astral moons), days (suns), and years. There are hours (bells), and minutes.
1 bell is roughly equivalent to 3 Earth minutes.
1 sun is a little over one Earth hour.
The math has already been done on a few Eorzea clock out there, so if you guys find more precise calculations, please let me know. I'm pretty sure that they aren't going by Vana'diel's exact system.
Also, does anyone know what malms and yalms are equivalent to? Miles and Yards?
Finally, as a point of discussion: When role-playing, do you usually use Earth time as a reference, or Hydaelyn time?
Hour = Bell
Day = Sun (24 Bells in a Sun : or 4 cycles of 6 elemental hours)
Month = Moon (32 Suns in a Moon : or 4 cycles of 8 Suns)
Year = Year (12 Moons in a Year)
Bells of the day.
<< 0:00 - 1:00 - 2:00 - 3:00 - 4:00 - 5:00 - 6:00 - 7:00 - 8:00 - 9:00 - 10:00 - 11:00 - 12:00 - 13:00 - 14:00 - 15:00 - 16:00 - 17:00 - 18:00 - 19:00 - 20:00 - 21:00 - 22:00 - 23:00 >>
1st Astral Moon : Halone (Ice)
1st Umbral Moon : Menphina (Ice)
2nd Astral Moon : Thaliak (Water)
2nd Umbral Moon : Nymeia (Water)
3rd Astral Moon : Llymlaen (Wind)
3rd Umbral Moon : Oschon (Wind)
4th Astral Moon : Byregot (Lightning)
4th Umbral Moon : Rhalgr (Lightning)
5th Astral Moon : Azeyma (Fire)
5th Umbral Moon : Nald'thal (Fire)
6th Astral Moon : Nophica (Earth)
6th Umbral Moon : Althyk (Earth)
the year of the navigator, of the wanderer, of the builder, of the destroyer, of the warden, of the Traders, of the matron, of the Keeper, Of the Fury, of the Lovers, of the Scholar, and of the Spinner
Each twelve years is an epoch of man.
We are currently in the Sixth Astral Era.
Fulm : Foot
Yalm : Yard
Malm : Mile
Ilm : Inch
Ponz : Pound
Onz : Ounce
Essences & permutations-a Treaties of the Six Elements
The spark of the Lightning Ignites when it strikes, and thus Fire is Born.
The Heat of Fire renders to ash all that it touches, and thus Earth is Born.
The density of Earth shuns Sun and Harbors cold, and thus Ice is born.
The amour of Ice Melts Away, and Thus Water is Born,
The Moistness of Water mists and rises and thus wind is born
The gusts and sighs of Wind gather the clouds, and thus Lightning is born.
The Three Conquests, Boundless and Unwavering
Earth Grounds Lightning
Water Erodes Earth.
Lightning boils Water
The Three Submissions, Timeless and Unending.
Fire is Extinguished by Wind
Ice is Melted by Fire
Wind is obstructed by Ice.
http://www.ffxivcore.com/topic/17925-un ... he-cosmos
This is one of those nitpicky little things that I always seem obsessed over. How are time and measurements calculated in Eorzea, how do they translate to our own, and how will the role-play community deal with them?
From what I can tell so far, time seems to be very similar to Vana'diel. There are months (astral moons), days (suns), and years. There are hours (bells), and minutes.
1 bell is roughly equivalent to 3 Earth minutes.
1 sun is a little over one Earth hour.
The math has already been done on a few Eorzea clock out there, so if you guys find more precise calculations, please let me know. I'm pretty sure that they aren't going by Vana'diel's exact system.
Also, does anyone know what malms and yalms are equivalent to? Miles and Yards?
Finally, as a point of discussion: When role-playing, do you usually use Earth time as a reference, or Hydaelyn time?
Hour = Bell
Day = Sun (24 Bells in a Sun : or 4 cycles of 6 elemental hours)
Month = Moon (32 Suns in a Moon : or 4 cycles of 8 Suns)
Year = Year (12 Moons in a Year)
Bells of the day.
<< 0:00 - 1:00 - 2:00 - 3:00 - 4:00 - 5:00 - 6:00 - 7:00 - 8:00 - 9:00 - 10:00 - 11:00 - 12:00 - 13:00 - 14:00 - 15:00 - 16:00 - 17:00 - 18:00 - 19:00 - 20:00 - 21:00 - 22:00 - 23:00 >>
1st Astral Moon : Halone (Ice)
1st Umbral Moon : Menphina (Ice)
2nd Astral Moon : Thaliak (Water)
2nd Umbral Moon : Nymeia (Water)
3rd Astral Moon : Llymlaen (Wind)
3rd Umbral Moon : Oschon (Wind)
4th Astral Moon : Byregot (Lightning)
4th Umbral Moon : Rhalgr (Lightning)
5th Astral Moon : Azeyma (Fire)
5th Umbral Moon : Nald'thal (Fire)
6th Astral Moon : Nophica (Earth)
6th Umbral Moon : Althyk (Earth)
the year of the navigator, of the wanderer, of the builder, of the destroyer, of the warden, of the Traders, of the matron, of the Keeper, Of the Fury, of the Lovers, of the Scholar, and of the Spinner
Each twelve years is an epoch of man.
We are currently in the Sixth Astral Era.
Fulm : Foot
Yalm : Yard
Malm : Mile
Ilm : Inch
Ponz : Pound
Onz : Ounce
Essences & permutations-a Treaties of the Six Elements
The spark of the Lightning Ignites when it strikes, and thus Fire is Born.
The Heat of Fire renders to ash all that it touches, and thus Earth is Born.
The density of Earth shuns Sun and Harbors cold, and thus Ice is born.
The amour of Ice Melts Away, and Thus Water is Born,
The Moistness of Water mists and rises and thus wind is born
The gusts and sighs of Wind gather the clouds, and thus Lightning is born.
The Three Conquests, Boundless and Unwavering
Earth Grounds Lightning
Water Erodes Earth.
Lightning boils Water
The Three Submissions, Timeless and Unending.
Fire is Extinguished by Wind
Ice is Melted by Fire
Wind is obstructed by Ice.
http://www.ffxivcore.com/topic/17925-un ... he-cosmos