(11-03-2015, 02:18 PM)Kage Wrote:I can confirm this, because I was a PLD when getting Isaulde through the MSQ and the gear rewards were like this, except that you get also a ilvl90 belt as a reward for the level 50 quest.(11-03-2015, 02:07 PM)Gwen - Dinah Wrote:Yes, so according to gamerescape, the 3.0 update changes to the Job quest gear is this:(11-03-2015, 02:03 PM)Madda Wrote:You get level 45 versions and 50 versions (since 3.0) Madda of everything except chest.(11-03-2015, 01:27 PM)Unnamed Mercenary Wrote:According to the WHM quest, the quest rewards of gear is all Level 50.(11-03-2015, 01:24 PM)Madda Wrote: Wish Madda could get the Artifact gear, but it's 50 > o>
Hmm? No. All but the chest piece is from the lvel 45 quests. So you can get headpiece, hands, legs and boots.
SO even if Madda did get them, it'd be useless.
Lvl 45 Job quest will give you Head, Wrist, Pants, Boots gear that you can wear at lvl 45. (ilvl 50). Lvl 50 Job quest would give you lvl 50 (ilvl 55) Chest Piece.
Lvl 45 Job quest gives you lvl 45 and lvl 50 Head, Wrist, Pants, boots (lvl 50 gear is ilvl 90). (8 pieces total)
Lvl 50 Job quest gives you lvl 50 Chest Pieces (ilvl 55, ilvl 90) (2 pieces total)
On a side note, giving both the ilvl55 and the ilvl90 chest on the same quest makes the ilvl55 chest -completely- useless. Not even entry-level gear, just... useless. Which is stupid.