This isn't 2.0 anymore, with its awful imitation. As of 3.2, I am consistently impressed not only by the accents but the actual lines they write, too. I'd almost be so bold as to put it alongside the Witcher 3 in terms of authenticity and quality. If you are listening to the Japanese voiceacting because you automatically assume the English version will be terrible (which it is for 2.0 and maybe the first few patches), you are making a huge mistake.
Even if you are listening to the Japanese out of preference, I'd implore making the switch otherwise. The subtitles are written in various British regional dialects from early modern to contemporary, enough for a Brit like me to identify the quirks that separate it from American English (Tataru saying stuff like "Get in the queue" rather than "Get in line", or characters saying "I reckon" rather than "I figure"). What you are reading is not a direct translation from Japanese, but a painstakingly constructed set of sentences designed to accurately fit the psuedohistorical time period Eorzea is supposed to be set in. The British English VAing conveys this splendidly, and is the only audio setting that would match the subtitles you read. I could say you are not getting the accurate telling on Japanese. A lot of it makes me as a Brit living in America homesick, honestly! If that's not enough of an argument, I don't know what is!
Seriously. The English VAing comes highly recommended.
Even if you are listening to the Japanese out of preference, I'd implore making the switch otherwise. The subtitles are written in various British regional dialects from early modern to contemporary, enough for a Brit like me to identify the quirks that separate it from American English (Tataru saying stuff like "Get in the queue" rather than "Get in line", or characters saying "I reckon" rather than "I figure"). What you are reading is not a direct translation from Japanese, but a painstakingly constructed set of sentences designed to accurately fit the psuedohistorical time period Eorzea is supposed to be set in. The British English VAing conveys this splendidly, and is the only audio setting that would match the subtitles you read. I could say you are not getting the accurate telling on Japanese. A lot of it makes me as a Brit living in America homesick, honestly! If that's not enough of an argument, I don't know what is!
Seriously. The English VAing comes highly recommended.