(06-30-2015, 11:01 PM)Unnamed Mercenary Wrote: [[steps in a as mod this time]]
Everyone, be nice.
Insulting others and demeaning threads is against the rules.
If you can't post something without an insult or harsh words, I would urge that you try to revise your writings or take a step back.
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[[puts the mod things away]]
Now as a user, I'd actually be pretty interested in the language differences. Not just between Japanese/English, but between them all. I know a little bit of this cropped up during some of the 2.5/2.55 dialogue because the English was quite....specialized and had a lot of implied meanings, whereas the other languages were much more concise and direct.
A comparison of the different finalized forms of the scripts could be very interesting. Of course, a literal translation from one to each would likely be quite different from the script we've come to read throughout the game. Different cultures and values. Not to mention colloquial phrases, slang, etc.
Thank you sir. I can adapt the dialogue to whatever is appropriate. I just wanna know the comparison in the dialogue between languages.