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The Whorlbane Wayfarers are officially recruiting!

Please contact Aubineaux#2222, Xai#5057, Cat#9167, or TopCedHos#4957 to apply. 







Maelstrom 27th Tactical Unit, informally known as the ‘Whorlbane Wayfarers’, is a small and previously specialised (how specialised now, however, leaves something to be desired…) squad of ragtag foot soldiers. Whilst they have a bold history to live up to, the new revival of the unit has a chance to carve out their own path and reputation. Right now though, their lives are anything but glory filled and glamorous. They’ll muddle their way through the storm, but how well? That’s for us to see!


We are based in Mist 14/15. This locale is their barracks and center of operations for the Whorlbane Wayfarers. Only the middle floor is open to the public.


We also aim to act as a platform for Limsan based events, especially seasonal ones such as Moonfire, Heavensturn, and the Rising.




Organic, military(-ish) roleplay with plenty of room for character driven growth and development. Expect a grey moral compass and a certain rough-around-the-edges quality, given we are the Maelstrom at the end of the day.


Regular, weekly RP events, as well as plenty of impromptu opportunities all over La Noscea.


We are a heavy RP FC with deep respect to consequence and lore. We value extended character and story driven campaigns beyond the city and Mist.

These campaigns, or deployments, will be of varying lengths and generally, be non-scripted. This means their outcomes entirely depend on how the squad handles them (and the luck of the dice, perhaps). These may be brief day long excursions, or more drawn out occasions.


Whilst we aren't DnD level dice-rollers, and shall never ask that of anybody, we do have a very basic proficiency system in place that can be used with dice. 




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