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The Descent


A peek into the darkest hours of Eckerd Aldenport's journey thus far by the always wonderful rregret! More of her work available at rregret.deviantart.com

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Capheira -> Thanks a bunch! It's relieving to hear that the approach we chose for the scene was a good fit, and we're most grateful for the kind words. :)

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Guest Silinat


I really like it. Has a bit of a Prince of Persia feel with the outfit which makes me like it more!

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Silinat -> Ah, Prince of Persia... :-D I used to looove Sands of Time and Warrior Within back in the day, so I can totally see where you're getting that vibe from. Also, thank you very much for the compliment! It's much appreciated. P.S. I still weep at times just thinking about what happened to that series.

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Guest Melkire


Wow, this looks wicked. Also w00t Prince of Persia! (more platformers like the original 2Ds, please)

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Melkire -> Cheers! And yes - definitely more of those, please. Please?

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Guest cuideag


The sense of texture on this is super nice, on top of everything else. What a lovely piece.

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