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The Crossroads


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An Out of Character Roleplayer's Linkshell!


We strive to facilitate, maintain, and develop Roleplay on a community-wide level, in a focused manner! Whether this means discussing lore, ongoing events, or just getting together with other Roleplayers to get something going.



[align=center]House Rules:[/align]




  1. No drama, or rudeness! A general decorum of respect for your fellow RP'er and player in Final Fantasy XIV is expected to be maintained. "If you're walking in with BS on your feet, please wipe it off at the door."
  2. This is an RP Linkshell. It's meant to be used to find, and create Roleplay. Of course, general chatter, off-topic discussions, and other such things are expected, and encouraged, but we do ask that our members refrain from posting for content. No "LFG" or "Need people for this run!". While we understand that this is a major part of the game, it does not fit in with what the Linkshell's function is for. Please, feel free to send a /tell to any of your friends who are in there, if you're looking for people to do runs.
  3. GM's|Admins|Leaders' words are law. In this linkshell, we ask that a certain level of respect be afforded to the leaders. These are people that go out of their way to do what they can for the members of the Linkshell. This is not a job, they aren't paid. They do this, on a volunteer only basis.
  4. Have fun, help others to have fun! We're all in the same boat here, leave the trolling to the trolls. All we want for each other, is to make lasting and strong relationships with other RP'ers of like mindset. Just take the time to think about what you do, or say, before taking action.


Thank you,





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