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Eorla's Doodles, Projects, and WIPs.

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Um, please feel free to remove this if I've posted this in the wrong area...


So this is Fang. She's not from FFXIV, but the moment I could, she was my party leader and go-to gal in XIII...and I was REALLY mad that I couldn't play her as leader in Lightning Returns.


I love Fang. Think what you will about the XIII trilogy, I love Fang. In a better game, she would have been a truly badass character. And yeah, I know she and Vanille are like super-close, but am I the only one who thought there was an underlying charge of romance there? Loads of crappy fanfiction says that I'm not, lol. Anyway, without further ado, painted in FreshPaint with pencils and pastels, Oerba Yun Fang.



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Let me get paid again and ill give ya some money for a commission. Granted if you wanna use Zy'dala's likeness for your drawings you can have at it.

Alright. I'll work on something. My turnaround is rather sluggish because I'm a perfectionist and my own worst critic, but how about you don't pay me until I'm done and only if you're happy with it? Either way, it gives me practice, and gives me something to do other than growl angrily at a Sephiroth WIP that I got the eyes perfect on...and everything else refused to cooperate with me, lol.

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