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The Grim Echo

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So you're interested in the Grim Echo...


If you've heard of us, it probably involved something dangerous, forbidden, or stomach turning. And on some level, that's just what we're about. We're a bunch of very different people coming together to advance common goals, the most overreaching of which is laying the Empire low.


What we all have in common is a focus that polite society deems, shall we say, overkill. Find yourself left behind because your methods are a little too extreme? You might fit in with us. We're home to evil witches, mad scientists, murderers, thieves, rogues and rakes, the fanatically obsessed, the generally antisocial, and of course the kind of psychopaths that seem absolutely charming on the surface. Just don't turn your back on them.


But because we understand this about each other, we can encourage and support each others' eccentricities and accomplish surprising things, great things.


Also, these people, our kind of people, Grim kind of people generally have a taste for power of some kind, often the kind the general populace don't approve of, e.g. forbidden knowledge, dark magic, direct command over the minds and souls of others, or simple supremacy in any and every form. In our quest for this kind of power, Grim don't let anything stand in our way - not heroic idealism, not social acceptability, not hordes of hideous monsters. We like to go out there and get what we want, no matter what it takes. Stop at nothing, that's us.


Our former glorious leader liked to call it "Victory by any means." So if you're the kind of person who believes your goal, whatever it might be, justifies whatever you need to do to get it, even (especially?) if your family and polite society would disown you for your methods, then you might be right up our alley.


What we're looking for...


We're looking to fill out our roster with those interested in taking on greater and greater challenges. Of course, the healers and the vanguards, or whatever you want to call the people who let themselves get hit while everyone else is busy hitting, those types are valuable.


How to join us...


Easy. Just drop off a letter introducing yourself. Someone will track you down and get in contact with you.


((This way, folks: https://thegrim.org/ffxiv))


Looking for more information...


We've got some files available for public viewing. Feel free to read as much as you want. You can also leave a message for X'havir Vahl, our leader, with any questions you have, any way that works for you. Always happy to help. 


((Public forums: https://thegrim.org/forum/viewforum.php?f=71 Sending a PM here, at the Grim forums, posting on this listing, or sending tell in-game should all work fine for contact methods.))

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