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The Lychgate

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"You kill 'em, we grill 'em."


Thaumaturgy roots rest in the art of preparing the dead and giving funeral rites for the Order of Nald'thal. A freezing blizzard to halt corruption; a raging fire to cleanse the corpse; a bolt of lightning to expel the sins of mortal life. We aim to provide a service to all of Eorzea and through that bring peace to the waking, walking life that call this place home.


We teach Thaumaturgy, embalming, preform executions for the Grand Companies, host funerals and run IC dungeons.


You do not need to be a thaumaturge to join, just have an interest and respect for the dead, death, and dying and want to assist Eorzea in ways many shy from.


We are looking for embalmers, students, reception, security, grave diggers, executioners, funeral directors and pretty well any other walk of life! 


Lore and RP heavy, we aim to plot, develop and all around have a good time! Reply here or message me in game, or through our guildwork site linked on the side.


Thanks so much!

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