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Four Sigils

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Four Sigils is a linkshell meant to bring together characters who are either of Ishgardian descent or others who have some sort of connection with the city-state and the surrounding region of Coerthas.  While it is primarily meant as an in-character social tool for like-minded individuals, it will also be used to organize events, dungeon runs, open world RP, specifically in Coerthas and hopefully the zones of Heavensward.  It goes without saying that Ishgard is an RP spot of interest once it is open.


Since this is an IC linkshell, please use brackets or parentheses when speaking OOCly, and overall please try to use it out-of-character sparingly.


As stated above, the only real in-character requirement is that prospective members have some sort of connection to Ishgard.  Linkpearls will be handed out ICly, whether by simple walk-up RP or a planned encounter.


What to expect from this linkshell:

  • A place to communicate and RP with other characters around Ishgard and Coerthas
  • Outreach to the Eorzean community through good works and socialization to better the foreign reputation of the Ishgardian people
  • IC chatter through the linkshell
  • IC Dungeon Runs (Coerthas Central Highlands alone has four!)
  • Plots!
  • And, finally, I hope that by the time Heavensward rolls around Four Sigils will have enough members for truly great and community-wide events. 


Aronaux Farendaire

Sir Renoko

Leandros Galivir


Keep in touch for future updates!

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