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Moogles & Green Tea (LS)


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[align=center]:chocobo::chocobo: |*Green Tea & Moogles*|:chocobo::chocobo:

:tonberry:OOC LS on Balmung focused on RP/PvE/Friendship:tonberry:





Send a /tell to Kiyohana Akihiro for an invite to this group. If not, leave a message in this thread and I will get back to you ASAP.




A friendly positive LS filled with helpful and kind people. 




:chocobo:We are Looking for..::


-Friendly folks 

-People possibly trying to start up the game again for the new expansion!! (Very much willing to help run through anything as I am a healer not 100% epic, but always willing to help!)


-Vets and newbies alike, all are welcome!



-Kiyohana Akihiro

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