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Balmung project. Adventurers free company for neophytes joining Balmung.

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Greetings esteemed compatriots of the Hydaelyn Roleplayers Coalition.  I am Vladmiere Rajin of the server Balmung.  I cordially invite any and all parties and individuals who may be interested in helping me with planning and execution of a sort of adventurer FC that acts like the 3 city-state adventurer guilds but more focused on identifying and assisting newb players on the Balmung server with the new player tag.


We do not want to be a FC that spam advertises our FC in a shout macro but to trek and meet/greet new people in character with intention of possibly being mentors and guidance for people who want to become a meaningful member of the rp community.  


I want to provide resources as well to those who may find joining a new server a bit overwhelming.  This will be either a link shell or a FC with intention that you can join and leave as you please.  We will also provide IC starter contracts and reward with items and coin which for established players will most likely be junk but to new players will be godsend.  


If anyone is interested in possibly helping me with this project just meet me on Balmung or contact me through PM or this thread.  


Anyhow thank you for hearing me out and have a good day. 



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This is pretty much exactly what I'm looking for, I have alot of experience with rping outside of games and I'd love an in to get use to roleplaying in a game!


at this point I'd say a Linkshell would be more appropriate, that way people can find a FC with a theme they like, but still stay connected to this group for when they need help or have questions and the like.


I suspect you will have a friend request from me when you login next! :)

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[Admin Hardhat]


Going to move this to the Making Connections board for improved visibility. Hopefully that'll get you a few more bites, since that's where folks usually look for this sort of thing.


[/Admin Hardhat]

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