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A brief IC bit:


"...Mr. Jacobi formally requests permission from the Barracuda knights to begin recruiting for..." A disinterested man with sunken eyes and salt-dried skin peered over a missive. "It appears as if you've scribbled in "An ongoing exploratory investigation of areas previously presumed cursed, and/or unuseable." Across the desk, Isaac opens his mouth to speak, only to be pre-empted. "You go on to list that you "may have need of these recruits for-" He pauses to laugh, "An international mercenary action of indeterminate length? " More laughter follows, "I believe I've found my favorite part. You would also like free access to the tools and staff present under Naldiq and Vimelli's smithery. Why would I give any single citizen, much less a known thief and scoundrel such as yourself, any of what you've requested?"


Behind the missive, and across a well-used desk sat the man in question, red coat dotted with dried blood. The occasional hole revealed yellowed, medicated wrappings over what could safely be assumed were fresh wounds. "First and foremost..." Mr. Jacobi began, scratching at his head, then rubbing some manner of ash from his cheeks. "My time sailing with the Executioners was done under a Letter of Marque and Reprisal. All quite legal, I assure you. So, while you would normally be correct on calling someone of my less-than-savory experience a thief and a scoundrel, I am only guilty of stealing, not of being entirely without scruples. I would also like to add that I have never once stolen from Limsa Lominsa. For whatever that may count."


"Second: You may want to consider the risk of turning me down. How much can you really spare to sweep away in the face of a second Garlean invasion, hm? Your usual folks are far too scared, too sick, or, let's face it, too bleedin' sensible to go down into places like this Aurum Vale the Herald's writing about. Even fewer can make the boast that they've seen, salvaged, and tinkered a bit with captured Garlean Magitek. Going a step further, I'd venture that your shipwrights, talented as they may be, don't rightly understand the workings of airships, beyond basic maintenance. And beyond that, if I were to utter the word "Ceruleum" around town, I doubt anyone would so much as spare a sideways glance." A silence fell over the two for a moment. "Haven't lost you, have I?"


Drawing closer, and leaning on the desk, Mr. Jacobi continued. "Now, what I'm asking isn't unreasonable. The Gridanians have already agreed. The Ul'Dahns, the nation I did indeed take from, simply required a small fee. All I am asking is that you, and your musket-toting cronies refrain from bothering me as I go about the business of doing my part in our unified struggle to stay out from under the thumb of Garlemald. And perhaps, just perhaps jump your military ahead a couple years in terms of research and development of new tools for you to defend yourselves with, as per my existing contract with your Maelstrom."


A clenched jaw, and the the tell-tale clicking of grinding teeth joined with the tapping of a quill. "I'll put it in simpler terms. Either sign my document, and I will be on my way, or utter your apologies for not trying to do more as we are all paraded in chains before the Legates." Barracuda Knight and Engineer-Turned-Pirate locked eyes. The quill was dipped. The missive signed.


"Wasn't so hard, now was it? Good day, gents. Ladies."



And now, brass-tacks:





Isaac Jacobi

Beatric Reid

Castus Allard


The only hierarchy to speak of is that Isaac is at the head. The rest is very loose, if present at all. As the shell expands to more than three active members, that's likely to change.


RP Style:

Heavy, though we have our share of out-of-character moments.



None! There really won't be a need for one. And, frankly, I haven't run a group yet that uses them much. Given that I'll be thrilled if we get 8 active members total, I'm going to see if I can't handle all necessary communication via e-mail and Skype. If a need arises for a forum, I'll deal with that then.


RP element:

Misericorde is about as close as Eorzea gets to a team of "Action Scientists". If it's weird, cursed, incomprehensibly built, forbidden, etc., they'll handle it. For a price, naturally.



None, currently. Given the nature of their work, the stigma that tends to get attached to people who seem to tread directly on the toes of the divine, and the leader's focus on R&D above nearly everything else, there isn't much in the way of resources, monetary and otherwise, to purchase and maintain any kind of headquarters.


With time, and a few breakthroughs, that may change.



Invite only and done entirely in-character, via interview, in-game.



None that can really be written down without going on forever. If you act like a reasonable human being, there won't be an issue.


Additional info:

Misericorde may specialize in handling the unexplained, but the kinds of projects Isaac takes on demand funding. That being said, more "mundane" jobs are certainly not beneath their notice.

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