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[align=center]Perhaps you've seen it,


in that nothing between dreams.


The void, that thinks.


The face, half unseen.


The burning sky, that calls.


Perhaps you've even felt it, a yearning.


Always close at hand, a true companion.


It will change you.


You will burn brighter than ever.


And then you will be consumed.[/align]





[align=center]Sidereal is a quality focused RP Free Company driven on collaborative lore-first storytelling and meaningful character development.


Sidereal features an original plot intended to act as the FC's "Main Scenario Quest". The plot is intended to last a long while, and it will grow alongside the official game lore with the intent that it always remain compelling, exciting, and fun, with the intend to "bend but never break" the game's official lore.


Role-Play and Free Company Philosophy[/align]


[align=justify]Quality over Quantity - A focus on quality membership rather than accumulating as many members as possible.


Anything Goes - In Sidereal, there are no hard rules about what content is appropriate for role play. Eorzea is a bright and terrible place, as long as your content serves a narrative purpose it will be welcome.


Lore First - Lore before game mechanics. Official lore before player creation.


Game Interest - Active and lasting interest in the game itself. We're here for role play, but we're not here for only role play.


Clear IC/OOC Barrier - You are not your character, your character is not you, your life is not this game, this game is not your life.[/align]


[align=center]For more, please visit our site or send a tell in game to Kurenai Nagi.[/align]

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Sidereal is a brand new FC looking for members in this exciting, post Heavensward Eorzea.


Details about the FC plot will be thin at first, with the aim for things to remain as mysterious and as interesting as long as possible. A long, slow burn rather than a race to the finish.


Role-play has not yet begun, as we're looking for a few members to get things going.

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[OOC Information regarding company plot]


Long ago an ancient voidsent, brimming with ambition, deceit, and hubris conceived of a scheme to climb the ranks of voidsent to new heights of power. To this end it sought powerful mortal souls to feed upon and grow in strength. Though it was too great to cross the aetherial sea itself, it sent its servants to do its bidding.


The Burning Star Sign


Using a power that is now known to modern mortals as "Astromancy", this voidsent used the sky as its canvas and drew an unholy constellation. Using this constellation the ancient evil binds the fate of mortal souls, so that instead of returning to the life-stream upon death they feed it, growing its power.


How a mortal is afflicted by the Star Sign is not well understood. Proximity to those already afflicted, deliberate selection, or ill fortune could all play a part, or none.


The Affliction


Those afflicted may not realize anything is amiss at first. Perhaps they are more restless, more involved in their work, more likely to take a risk.


More drawn to the idea of power, and more likely to pursue it for its own end.


A strange dream of a burning constellation and an unidentifiable face will come and go. There may be other unknown subtle effects, all of which are worsened the more distressed the victim is.


The affliction however becomes less of a burden relative to how many souls are afflicted. The more affected, the lighter the burden. It's been speculated this is a devious machination, designed to encourage its spread. After all, the more souls absorbed, the better.


Afflicted that come in contact with one another often feel compelled to remain, with the reason why remaining a complete mystery.


A Curse From the East


Unknown in the west, this unfortunate fate is on the move thanks to the destruction of Doma and the resulting deaths of many afflicted at the hands of the Garleans. Though few in number are presently affected, that number is sure to grow.

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