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Starting out, looking for fellow RPers Jenova

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Hello. I've just started playing FF14, so still learning and exploring which is great. A couple of friends encouraged me to join them and so I have on the Jenova server. I understand this isn't a RP server but I'm curious if there's any active RP Free Companies or Linkshells there.


My friends don't RP however I do, and have been for many years in various MMORPGs, so finding some RP would really make leveling and exploring the world all the more enjoyable for me.


I'm currently playing an Au Ra (Xaela) Marauder (with long term aspirations of going Dark Knight). I enjoy tanking typically and will likely try my hand at it here as well (though lancer/Dragoon does look appealing...)


My Role Playing experience is high but I'm new to FF14's lore so still learning and thus haven't settled on a concrete character story.


TLRD; New to Jenova hoping to find some fellow role players


Character Name: Khaidai Qerel


Character Type: Adventurer, Ambitious, Brash, Confident, Softy at heart.



Availability: Nights typically 9pm PST - far too late.

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  • 1 month later...

Hey there o/ I actually think I might have seen you running around in La Noscea xD (or at least it was somebody with a veeeeeery similar name, either way lol.)


I'm a bit new to RPing (at least on FFXIV lol) but I'd love to RP with ya if you'd like :D my character on Jenova is R'yuuki Khet. I just logged off but I'll probably be on sometime tomorrow and if not then I'll deff be on this weekend xD

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