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Holy Crap [Greetings form Mateus]

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Well hot damn! 

I've been playing this game a little over a year and I didn't even think about trying to RP xD

I've done forum RP's for years, but this is the first... well... second time I've tried it in an MMO. Mateus is a low population server, but we [our little troupe and I] have been finding closet RPers trying to start something neat on the server. 


Thus far we have the LS 'Tales of Eorzea' and looking around, there is another LS trying to do the same. [Just which I could catch the lead when he's online...] 


Anyway, just wanted to pop in! Don't mind me if I'm peeking through your posts. I'll take any advice I can get to make this LS blossom like we want it to. :)


Take care!

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