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Looking for a male Au ra to RP with my Xaela (any server)

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~~ Found someone for the moment. ~~


Alright. Basic details:

  • Looking for a male Au ra 

(Xaela or Raen it doesn't matter to me)


  • To RP in game with my fem Xaela 

(particularly being IC in dungeons)/out of game if desired


  • Any NA server 

(I'll server transfer or create a RP alt if need be) 


I am willing to make a male Au ra RP alt if you prefer. The only req I have of you is that your character is male and Au ra. 


I would like to RP outside of the game with our characters to help develop them/their interactions with each other. I would prefer if in game RPing remained more light (ie. Running dungeons together well IC). But am open to suggestion. Outside of the game any literacy level works for me. 


I am looking for a frenemy/weirdly inseparable friendship, or slave/master (non-romance/not sexual) relationship (with my character being a mouthy 'slave' in that scenario). We can discuss other details as you please.



Details of my character (may tweak slightly if you want me to play a male as well): 


Female Xaela originally from the Dotharl tribe. Has since left the tribe. Has not acquired any noteable companions since. Some education/vocabulary from her ventures. 


Her primary motivation is hedonism. She possesses a reckless disregard for her own well being, as well as others. In spite of this she's fairly optimistic,  curious about anything that might (even momentarily) quell her boredom. She has an impulsive love for violence or fighting. Her moral standby is unscrupulous; she's not against sinking to any kind of low to get what she wants. Prone to lying, acting and insincerity if she thinks she'll get away with it. She's spontaneous, though sometimes falls victim to a one-track mind. Her intrepid behavior often puts her in dangerous situations, and it's rare she comprehends the consequences of her actions (even when she suffers them). 


She can be narcissistic and stubborn; blind or uncaring to her own flaws, or the woes of others. It's unlikely she'll accept responsibility for her many wrongdoings, justifying them or passing on the blame. She is not an addict but is prone to substance abuse or gambling if presented the opportunity. She is apt to exaggerate stories or events. She holds little loyalty to others (save your character, once applicable), authority or morals. 



She may not be a very trust worthy individual, but she'll find the life-risking 'fun in any adventure worth adventurin''. (Or so she claims).  




Please post or PM with your thoughts, ideas or character if interested.

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