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Good Servers

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Hey everyone! So, when I check out world selection on my copy of ARR, neither Balmung nor Gilgamesh appear at all. I'm assuming this means that they're full, and since I've never seen them on the list, they're full very often.


In that case does anyone know of, is part of, or runs a good community on another NA server? I'd love to make a fresh character and jump into rping with some people, I'd just like to make sure I'm going where the people are.


You know, like Ariel :P.

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What data center are you in? You can select a different one from the home screen. Here is a list of all of them. Usually when a world is closed, it is faded out and you can't click on it. :) Balmung and Gilgamesh are both restricted worlds because of their high volume of players logging in and out.


I can't speak for Gilga, but Balmung often opens in the early hours of the morning EST (around 4am-7am EST I think). Because of Heavensward's release, it's been closed for longer periods of time, but there has been reports of it opening more lately. Another good time to create a character is immediately before or after world maintenance. Alternatively, you can pay a fee to transfer a character.


Other than those two, I believe Jenova (NA) has a growing roleplay community. There are some members here from Siren (NA) as well, and some groups listed in the Linkshell Hall.


I'm not sure of any others, but I imagine people will come forward with more suggestions :P

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Well, Balmung and Gilgamesh are far and away the most populated servers with RP on them (Balmung being the biggest of the two), but I've heard of people attempting to start up roleplay on Jenova and other smaller servers (like Faerie).


Unless you're really interested in helping RP blossom on servers where it is practically nonexistent (save for these few individuals and linkshells), I recommend that you wait until just after a server maintenance to try and make your character(s) on your desired server, either Balmung or Gilgamesh. I was able to sneak two characters onto Balmung just after a maintenance about two weeks ago. Though, they tend to be pretty late (or early, depending on your time zone), so they might require some finagling, and they aren't always a surefire of success. I've sat through a couple maintenances where the servers stayed closed even after the servers came back online.


Though, if even that fails to work, you can always server transfer your characters from any server to Balmung/Gilgamesh. And, if memory serves me correctly (though I definitely could be wrong), a single purchase of a server transfer will allow you to move multiple characters from one server to another, regardless of level, story, etc. I'll probably end up doing that somewhere down the line myself. $18.00 is a small price to pay for enjoyable RP on a populated server, in my opinion. Especially considering the fact that I've already put about ~130 hours on this game after only having it for just shy of a month, myself.


It's up to you, really.


TLDR; money solves everything

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