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Looking to get into Balmung RP

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Hullo, hydaelyn roleplayers! I am brand-spanking new to this game - so new, in fact, that I haven't even been able to make a character on Balmung yet. Do you guys have any tips for getting in and rolling a character? I've been checking as often as I can, even signed up for email notifications from world-alerts, and there's not been any openings since yesterday. I'd appreciate any advice on this matter, because I'm a long-time roleplayer and I don't want to settle for the second-best RP community in this game!


Thanks in advance.


edit: after looking at this again, I feel maybe I should elaborate a little more. I'm two days into my trial and I haven't gotten to play the game at all yet. I don't want to start a character elsewhere, then be forced to either eat $18 for a server transfer ($36, actually, as I'm playing with my partner IRL) or start over when a slot opens up on Balmung. What's the recommended course of action, here, is what I'm trying to ask. Do I go ahead and play then transfer? How long can I reasonably expect to wait for a slot to open up? I even set an alarm for 6 AM this morning in the hopes of catching a slot in the early hours - I got a slot in Gilgamesh, but nothing on Balmung.


Then I saw a post on here where someone who moved from Gilgamesh to Balmung said "there is an RP community on Gilgamesh, you just have to dig for it." Not what I wanted to hear!


So yeah. I'm open to any and all suggestions. Has anybody else who's started recently (and made it into Balmung) had this problem? When did you get in, exactly? Was it right at one of the times they update the status? Before, after?

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Currently, being since Heavensward, there's only one sound way that'll will every time and that is paid transfers after having a character for more than 3 days. You used to be able to just make a new character when maintenance is over, however as of late the time gap to do that is barely even 5 minutes now (and it used to be between 1-3 hours back before the expansion). 


If you want to try and aim for the maintenance jump, then set the alarm clock ultra early on a day maintenance is happening (It's almost always a Tuesday), otherwise either find another server (Example being Siren) that RPs or pay money for a transfer after having a character for 3 days.

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We've just had a fairly large discussion about this.  Unfortunately, the best way to get to Balmung is the transfer.  I did that recently, myself.  The creation window is extremely small, especially with a new expansion recently released and it being summer vacation for those players currently enrolled in school (at least in North America).  I found it much less frustrating to pay for the transfer than to continue waking up in the middle of the night just to be disappointed that I'd missed the window.


For the recent discussion, see: http://ffxiv-roleplayers.com/showthread.php?tid=12737

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We've just had a fairly large discussion about this.  Unfortunately, the best way to get to Balmung is the transfer.  I did that recently, myself.  The creation window is extremely small, especially with a new expansion recently released and it being summer vacation for those players currently enrolled in school (at least in North America).  I found it much less frustrating to pay for the transfer than to continue waking up in the middle of the night just to be disappointed that I'd missed the window.


For the recent discussion, see: http://ffxiv-roleplayers.com/showthread.php?tid=12737

Alright, thanks for this. It's somewhat comforting to know I'm not the only one with this problem.


We're just gonna go ahead and make our characters on Gilgamesh and see how far we get into the trial, then just factor the cost of a server transfer into the box cost of the game. Kinda sucky, but it is what it is!

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I started out on Gilgamesh with this character a little under two weeks ago, when it came open for a few minutes. I was there for a week and since I already have a non rp character that's been here since beta arr I already knew Balmung was the choice for, so just bit the bullet and did a transfer on my new rp character and it's the best thing I did. If you have the money then I suggest doing it.

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