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Eorzean Logistics


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Hello, I am Piers Stark and I represent the Eorzean Logistics free company. You may be asking yourself, what is Eorzean Logistics? Well, my goal is to answer that for you today. Eorzean Logistics, or EL for short, is a fully funded research company complete with security and support divisions to ensure success out in the field. The research takes the company out of the lab and into the field for a closer look at practical applications. If research and development isn't your thing our security and support divisions have a wide array of available positions. If you fancy yourself good in a fight or a perceptive explorer, the security division can find a position to fit your talents. If you would rather be closer to the research, helping them fulfill their duties then the support division would be a nice fit. Take some time to check us out, we look forward to working with you.




You can find Eorzean Logistics on Balmung (NA Legacy)


EL is a small, close-knit community that is focused on RP and group content. We have a RP event system in place that is inspired by many table top games. Our hope is to create a group of good friends and enjoyable RP, as well as conquering 8 man content in our free time! If this sounds interesting to you feel free to contact us. You can respond here or message us on our forums.




You can also catch us in game by talking to Piers Stark or Cemi Renalah.

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