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Solace - Rank 8 RP/PvE company - Medium to Heavy RP - Casual PvE![/align]


[align=center]A BRIEF OVERVIEW[/align]

Solace is a medium-heavy roleplaying and PVE Free Company on Balmung Legacy server. In character our company's main focus is aiding any who come to our doors looking for those with the strength or intelligence to help their cause — for a price, of course. We walk the life of honorable mercenaries tied together by comradery and a good day's work. Be it aiding merchants with the caravaning of their supplies or defending a villiage with little in way of protection, Solace strives to give nothing short of their best on each and every job.




[align=left]Out of character, the Free Company's main focus is to make a comfortable, drama-free zone where we can bring fun and exciting roleplay to all of our members. We do our best to lend a helping hand to each other, guide new players, give advice and enjoy the perks of the game with our friends! Our long term goal is to begin Full Party raids while keeping strong and interesting plot lines running. 


[align=center]THE LEADERSHIP[/align]

If interested or you have any questions about Solace, please don't hesitate to contact any of our leadership below and they will do their best to tend to your inquiries. 

► Ace Celah - Master

► Arin Tayuun - Officer

► Argust Clow - Officer

► Jayley Salyt - Officer

[align=center] [/align]


Here are some common questions and our general answers to them. If you have a question that isn't listed here, feel free to contact us.


Do I have to RP to join Solace?

Not at all! We have out of character ranks for those that prefer not to roleplay, and rather just enjoy the social and PVE aspect of the company. The same goes for vice versa, too. You by no means need to be interested in PVE if you prefer to roleplay and roleplay only.



You seem like really neat people but I can't join the Free Company, can I still join your Linkshell?

Absolutely! Although the decision is ultimately up to the discretion of our leader, Ace, you are free to request to join the linkshell without joining the Company. Although, should we run out of room in the linkshell, alts and non-FC members will unfortunately have to be the first to go.


I'm a new player, and I don't know much about the game or its lore. Will that be a problem?

Nope, not one bit. We love new players and are happy to take them in and give advice where we can. When it comes to roleplaying and lore, as long as you are willing to learn, we'll do our best to guide you and your character in the right direction!



How do I join Solace?

We have an application here on the website that you can fill out! You can also contact one of our officers or leader to join the company. It's a fairly easy process. But make sure you read over the rules of the Company and make sure this is the right place for you.


[align=center]Any further questions?

Feel free to PST Ace Celah or visit our website!


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