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House Aryll <STAG>


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[align=center]Current story Arc Premise:[/align]


[align=center]Within all stories, myths, fairy tales, children’s songs exist kernels of truth. Truths sometimes plain to see and others, anything but.[/align]



[align=center]What lies between the lines of the rhymes children sing before bed? [/align]



[align=center]What revelations wait for those curious enough to take a fable at face value?[/align]



[align=center]What if, even with all the living legends walking the lands of Eorzea, there are still surprises in the most conspicuous of places. Secrets lie on the lips of grandmothers telling tales and in the notes of a tune people have whistled for a thousand years[/align]



[align=center]A passing hobby turns into a revelation on the nature of the stories we tell and how little we know about their origins.[/align]



[align=center]This will be a prolonged arc, with stops in various places, plenty of opportunity for new faces to come in for one-offs as well as come along for the ride to its conclusion.[/align]


Different themes for every stop, sometimes scholastic, action, examination of in-game written texts, songs, epic poems etc.



House Aryll is a free company based in the Goblet, beyond our main story arcs, we encourage and welcome general RP, we also engage in other activities, like some raiding, end game content, treasure hunts and more. We plan as our numbers increases to run events outside of the main story arks. 

If you'd like to join us, please reply here, PM me or contact me ingame at Xeorran Kalia'shearra. Even if you're not looking to join, feel free to come over and say hi!



Housing location - The Goblet - Plot 23 - 3rd Ward.



Thank you for taking the time to read our post.

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