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Old(ish) player, new FFXIV Roleplayer


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Yeah yeah short version hi I played for awhile and moved to Balmung for the playing of roles.



Okay, so, I've played FFXIV on and off for over a year now, mostly on, starting in November 2013, I believe it was. I only played for that first free month, sort of lost interest, then, for no reason, came back in March. Since then, I've more or less played the game on a consistent basis, but near the end of ARR I found myself utterly bored(A mix of no interest in getting into Coil so late, despite having many, many previous opportunities, and playing Paladin, which I tricked myself into liking, but in reality, I despised it), thus I quit, and came back several weeks after HW's release!


So here I am, I decided to keep the game entertaining for me, a diversion from the endgame grind, why not roleplay? While having no Final Fantasy experience with it, I've done so on several other games, but it's been awhile...so I find myself a tad sloppy at times. I hope to improve quickly, to get back into the swing of things, FFXIV has some great story behind it, thus giving us many opportunities to make our own great stories!


So, my character, Thayvodan Lodall, Hyur Highlander, and Dragoon. So far I'm doing most of my character development as I play, letting my mind wander and grasp ideas while stabbing things in the butt. No, my butt is not spiked, though.


So that's about it for now, newly arrived on Balmung, nearly 60 as a Dragoon(Hit 60 as Mechanist first...it really lost its luster for me when I gained Gauss Barrel. Bleh!), and I'll probably get into some of that fancy schmancy Alexander shenanigans.


So, enough prattling on, and back to the game. And thanks to Sierra Nulah for dropping a link to this site in shout!

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And I have to say you are making good choice, because in RP you can create your own stories and find yourself in interesting situations with other players.


For me RP is reason I am still playing this game (and my Free company). If I don't RP, I get bored and frustrated with game.


Don't stress about backstory! It is important but don't give up if you don't have amazing backstory! Most important thing is to have fun and enjoy RP. Some people are better writer and typers, sure. I would avoid comparing myself to others. Just do your thing and have fun! :)


Maybe we meet in Eorzea! ;)


(Random comment: For some reason this song came to my mind while I was thinking struggle I had when I made character ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XFkzRNyygfk

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