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As the metronome sets the pace for a song, so too do the Twelve conduct the innumerable instruments of our world. In the blending of their desires, conflicts, and principles, the symphony of our being is woven. Between will and fate, between intent and consequence, we swim in the flow and eddy of their nebulous opus. In the pauses of their chorus, we gain a moment to reflect on both its corpus and animus.


How do the Twelve steer this vessel of infinite probability? Whence comes the happenstance of Hydaelyn's myriad children? By what brilliance do they plot the stars by which we chart our courses? To what end does the teeming river of aether glide? One who asks such questions is not alone: the Twelve bless us with reason, curiosity, and a passion for being.


Around Eorzea we are witness to many and varied manifestations of the will of the Twelve, their shapes not yet of our reckoning. The Metronome linkshell is hereby established with the following aims:


  • To collaborate in the exploration Eorzea's many lands and wonders
  • To catalogue loci of asynchronous or dissonant physical aberrations
  • To discuss the possible agency by which these anomalies occur, be it aetheric or otherwise

There is the magnificent world we traverse, and there is the peripheral world whereby we are given our gifts of life, knowing, and wonder. Those possessed of such a spark of inquisitive regard might consider contacting Ancel Grandelion of the Afterlight Company for additional information.



Out of Character Information: This linkshell is for the purpose of IC interactions based around esoteric philosophy and discovery. It will be (to the best of my ability, at first) heavily couched in the game lore relating to metaphysics and pantheosophy. Worldbuilding within the bounds of canon is encouraged.


IC knowledge of this organization would likely originate at the guilds associated with Disciples of Magic and might spread by word of mouth from there.


In addition to discussion, activities may include group exploration [iC], journal publication [iC], and collaborative fiction [OoC].


Please post criticisms or questions below. It's early days here and I am surely not averse to refining the scope if it means being better-aligned with prime fiction.

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