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Intro and ISO!!!


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Hello, anyone who is reading this!


I’m looking for some RP! I know, I know—I didn’t exactly pick the right server for that {Sargatanas}, but I wasn’t having any luck getting on a Roleplaying friendly server when I was creating my Au Ra. So… now I’m hoping that I’ll get lucky with a transfer!


I’m pretty new to RP, in general [i’ve been active RPing on WoW since about April 2k15], so I’m looking for someone(s) who are patient with me and can give constructive criticism! Also, any tips on RPing Au Ra in FFXIV that I may have missed [which is *entirely* likely, considering I haven’t really been able to find much information. I am, perhaps, looking in the wrong places!]


While I am new to the RP scene, I am *not* new to the PvE and PvP scene, being heavily active//moderately active over the past 12ish years on EQII and WoW. I am just coming back to FFXIV after a rather distressing first impression launch month [so.. five years ago], so I’m still leveling and learning the ins and outs. Traditionally, I play a [damn good] raid healer or tank [inquisitor and Shadow Knight in EQII, Resto Druid, Guard Druid, Blood and Frost Death Knight in WoW]. I’ve chosen to roll a Dark Knight [with Glad//Pally base] on FFXIV. Just started up again this weekend, so I’m still only level 30. However, I don’t imagine it will take me long to get raid ready for your raid force! 


What am I looking for? 


  • A healthy dose of RP, mixed in with some PvE. While I am eager to be a part of your raid force, I’m not interested in raiding several times a week, two or three nights would be best, as I am pretty burnt out on hardcore progression raiding.
  • I *am* willing to server xfer [in fact, I am actively trying to server xfer haha]. xfer to Balmung complete!
  • I am PST, but with my schedule, EST works *slightly* better for me [the difference, however, is not significant]
  • A friendly group of people. As I mentioned, I am new and still learning, and I haven’t been as lucky as I would hope ferreting out Au Ra stuff, so I am bound to make mistakes. All I ask is for patience and understanding and constructive criticism! I’d also be happy to be taken on as a “student” of sorts!
  • Content? My RP style tends to gravitate toward mature//dark, so I’d definitely be looking at more of an 18+ environment. *Not* for any sort of erotic role-play, my character is sultry and flirtatious when it suits her needs, however I’m not personally looking for any ERP. Heavy implications are alright, depending on the RP.
  • I am looking for a steady//long term RP partner. Again, not looking for ERP. See above d;
  • Somewhere that isn’t incredibly PC. While I don’t spew profanities or slurs—nor do I want to hear them—I would be more comfortable in a place where things are laid back and every other word doesn’t bear a trigger warning. 
  • Somewhere drama free. Can’t stress this one, enough. 
  • Fun. Sometimes just hanging out, oocly on a random street corner, talking is just what hits the spot.
  • I love in game RP as well as Forum//Tumblr RP! Choose your poison!


Not much, right? d;


Down side, here—I’m a bit shy, at first. I tend to observe for a while before I become an active contributor. But as soon as that switch is flipped, I’ll be involved in *everything*! Also, as you can see, I tend to… ramble, a bit. Ahem. 


About me, I’m early to mid 30s [a girl never tells d;], my name is Kandi, I’m married [my husband just started playing, as well, though he is not a role-player], I have kids, a dog, I still play WoW [raiding only, pretty much, at this point] and when the new WoW xpac comes out, I will likely disappear for a week or two, I have many, many hobbies, I have a ton of Tumblrs for my muses [all WoW and I can link them upon request!], uhh… that’s.. pretty much it.


That’s a [not]brief synopsis of what I’m going for! If anyone can point me in the right direction, has any suggestions or tips, etc., I would be very grateful! Thank you for your time! 

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Hey there and welcome to the community!


I play on Balmung, but feel free to add me, and if you ever come on over I can show you the ropes in RP. I've been RPing for about 10 years now, and have RPed in WoW too. Also if you come onto Balmung, I know my FC and a few others open up some RP events to non-members and that sort of thing can be super fun. Unfortunately I'm not familiar enough with Sarg to direct you to an RP community over there if there is one, and I'm not familiar with Gilgamesh either - so soz about that.

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