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New FF RPer looking for a group

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Hello! I'm new to roleplaying in FFXIV, but i am not new to roleplaying. I used to RP in Runescape and currently RP in forums on another website.


I am seeking a RP group here now. Either light or heavy, I do not mind.


I love roleplaying, but love the actual game too. I have two main characters right now. A tank that I use as a main character for raids, story, etc. Then I have another character that I use to grind mining, fishing, etc. I will be starting an RP character today.


my idea for my character would be a female. Not sure on the race yet. Maybe human? Not sure on class yet either. Her RP status will be a robber. Sticking up for their gear

(not for actual Gil and items though) all to support her greed. Maybe even start a gang of robbers? I don't know, but that's my idea.


should I got in your group just let me know what server you guys play and a little about yourselves and try to get back to you as soon as I can.

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