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Solaris Edge «SolRP»


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"So you want to be a mercenary, aye? Can't say I blame you. The work's good, the pay's better, and y' can't put a price on good company. Sound good? Sit down, grab a pint, and I'll tell you all about it."



[align=center]BASIC INFORMATION[/align]



Solaris Edge is a merry band of misfit mercenaries based in the northern regions. Led jointly by Istellia Montagne and Madoc Parnell, the group strives to make a name for itself (and get filthy rich) through various jobs, from escorts to gladiatorial tournaments, to hunting dangerous beasts deep in the wilderness, to anything inbetween and beyond!


[align=left]The company is just getting started. We're small but active, and our recruitment is open. We're seeking some like-minded individuals to help us make this group really come to life!


Along with a free company, Solaris Edge also has an IC linkpearl for long-distance communication. If you do not wish to join the company, but your character would like to be allies with us, that's also fine!


We have an official FC event every Saturday, with social RP fairly often during the week. More is always welcome!


If interested, feel free to do one (or more, we won't judge) of the following!

  • Message me (Locke) on this forum.
  • Contact Istellia Montagne or Madoc Parnell ingame.
  • Leave an application on our website!




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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey there!


It's been a fantastic month for Solaris Edge. Lots of things going on, from sparring to big jobs to getting drunk and flying around the Forelands. But first, a big welcome to our newest members: Khatar'sae Banchamek, Uldar Qestir, Sahn Catal, and Osgar Forester! Welcome!



Summaries of past events and its attendees can be found here: Check 'em out, catch up, relive!


After two big confrontations in a row from our 'friendly competitors' the Mythril Vanguards, Madoc surprised the company with a day at the Camp Bronze Lake hotsprings for some much-needed relaxation and recovery. A good time was had by all, hanging out and getting to know each other a little better. And our esteemed lady-leader Istellia even managed to get a little sun!


The next week, with the addition of two members, introductions were in order! And what better way than through beating each other up? Sparring matches were arranged outside Mor Dhona, and the Solar...s... (I swear I'll think of something better) tested their might against one another. Blows, taunts, and laughter were exchanged (and maybe a bit of blood, woops), followed by some drinks at the local bar!


The first big job since the Mythril Vanguard ambush. Things can't ever be simple, and a discreet escort from Camp Dragonhead to Fallgourd turned into a chaotic battle against heretics and a dragon. Our noble heroes managed to fight off the attackers, but not without gaining a few wounds of their own. The job was completed, and the group settled back at the Observatorium for some rest. Time to put that new healer to (more) work!


We're a nice size now, but we may consider 1-2 more members. If you want to join our ragtag group, please you're more than welcome to message me on these forums, check out our website, or find Madoc Parnell/Istellia Montagne ingame!


Update (Sept. 22): Closed

Since this post, Solaris has continued to grow! In order to acclimate our new members and see how we handle as a group, recruitment is temporarily closed. Please check back again at a later time, if you're interested in joining!


Future Plans

More events, more RP, more connections, more everything! If you or anyone you know is at all interested in being connected to Solaris Edge, whether as a member or an ally, please let us know!

See you all next time!

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  • 5 weeks later...

Hello again!


Another month has flown by, and it was another great one! Welcome our new members: Akino NaeuriCirina DotharlIco'ya Hiahr and Alistor Strange! And boy did they jump right into the thick of things...



Past events, as always, are written up and maintained by Istellia here: All the events! All the things!


Things are never simple, and such was especially true for our heroes as they tracked down a thief in Revenant's Toll! Turns out it was a wolf, which they chased halfway through Coerthas, inevitably meeting a raen who had much grander plans in store for the group. Fighting off a magitek colossus, trodding in a field of snow-hidden beartraps, and ultimately setting the entire area on fire because of ceruleum? All in a day's work!


Ah, the Mythril Vanguards, ever a thorn in Solaris's side. A thorn that was removed, at least somewhat, as the group ventured forth to retrieve a captured Osgar from the hands of the Vanguards. Fighting ensued, as it tends to do, and an epic battle resulted in several dead rival mercenaries. (One requiring to be killed twice. It happens.) And only a few major wounds on the winning side! Also a cool sword. Oh, and Osgar.



Speaking of Osgar, he soon went missing again after his escapade with the Vanguards. The group started in Wineport where he was last seen, and traversed through the jungle in search of their favorite lancer, eventually coming upon a shack where Osgar been taken hostage. By a Wanted mad alchemist. And zombies who wanted hugs. Hugs that were reciprocated by swords, punches, and bullets, and then our heroes hobbled home with the bounty! Oh, and Osgar.



Thanks to a little reprieve (and a slightly tipsy Istellia), Solaris took an impromptu trip to Costa del Sol! Sun, sand, jellyfish pudding, what more could one ask for? Relaxation, a but of beach sparring, and all seemed to be a little more refreshed by the end!



Solaris decided to strike back at a foe who had been toying with the group for several weeks. Solaris planning an ambush...that eventually resulted in a counter-ambush, but the group pushed through and survived! Realizing too late that Temame had been captured and replaced with the very man they had sought to pursue. He got away, but only barely. Sneaky. Afterwards, the group got some much-needed rest and looked for a way to retrieve their kidnapped engineer!

Recruitment: Closed

We are currently not accepting applications. However, if you're interested, you're more than welcome to contact us! Once we get our new members acclimated, we'll open up again, and connecting through RP is almost a guaranteed way to join up. Just throw us a line!

Future Plans

Keep on truckin'! We've got more events planned, especially as the holiday season draws near. Can't stop, won't stop.

See you in the next update!

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  • 5 weeks later...

Salutations! It's that time of the month again where we look at back at the craziness Solaris Edge has gotten themselves into! (This time with an alarming lack of pictures, I apologize!)

First and foremost, we'd like to welcome our newest members: Ume Muto and Liso Maimhov!




Company events are maintained and logged here at: http://solarisedge.enjin.com/forum/m/33402673/viewthread/23533954-company-events 


Where to begin? It's been a rather crazy month for Solaris Edge. Our group starts off strong as, following the momentum vanquishing one of their rivals, set forth to execute another adversary by the name of Histuguri; however, what awaited their ambush was another ambush! Fending off the crazed Raen's hounds, the group manage to locate him, and boy was he close! Glamoured as the group's engineer, Temame, he soon joined the fray and gave the group a running for their money. 


Give the group a week of rest, have Temame returned to them, and they're soon back at it again. Lead by Madoc, the group sets forth on a normal mission to secure lost loot from the shores of the lake in Mor Dhona. With teamwork and relics, they come out victorious and fatter gil pouches.


It's not October without a spooktacular event, and who better to drag Solaris Edge in but a miqo'te donning the classic witch hat! A wonky curse promised to be lifted if the group forces them through a series of trials that one would question the validity of. And their sanity. 



I'd like to introduce a new segment for the company reports. With housing nearing the realms of our retrieval, we've been saving up for a small plot. Not only this, but we've also encouraged others to donate anything they see would fit the company. A full list of the current contributions can be found on our company report on the Solaris Edge forums!


This is not meant to be a competition nor a comparison. It's whole-heartedly meant to recognize and appreciate every single contribution made to the company. Now as with anything math related, I may have gotten some numbers wrong. If I've miscalculated or missed a contribution, please contact me immediately. Once again, thank you!



Recruitment is now openIf you would like to join the company, please send in an application via these forums or send a PM in-game to Madoc Parnell or Istellia Montagne. If you do not wish to join, but you would like to establish connections with the mercenary group, we would be more than happy!


Future Plans

With current schedules running amok, things have been rather hectic. There is some minor restructuring going on with the company OOCly, as well as discussions to be had on how to adjust. Hopefully within the next few months, things will stabilize. We still plan on moving forward!

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