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Looking for two Hyur: 1 sister and 1 villain

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I have a story arc currently happening at the moment for my character Vale that will be coming to a conclusion next weekend. I've never requested anything like this before, so I don't know how willing people would be, but I'm looking for 2 Hyur (preferably midlanders since that's what Vale is) to fill a couple of rolls.


When? The 5th or 6th of September somewhere between 10 am and 5 pm EST.



Ongoing characters? Possibly. It depends on how the confrontation goes. Vale would certainly like to have his sister back at the very least.





The first: Villain. His name is Alistair Wright and he was Vale's childhood friend (and the brother of Vale's first wife) and lived in a settlement just outside of Eorzea. When the Garleans came, Alistair saw power in their methods. When he found out that the Myr'it's (Vale's family) were sending information about Garlean activities back to Eorzea he turned them in... and this resulted in Vale's family being slaughtered.


Vale also assumes (he doesn't know for sure) that Alistair raped and killed his sister. Alistair dragged her into the woods and Vale heard her screams until she went quiet. After that, Alistair vanished and Vale spent over 7 years searching for him. Recently, he's had his first clue as to Alistair's location after someone matching his description arrived in Limsa on a ship with a hooded woman.


Alistair's description: Long red hair, green eyes, scar on his face. Vale hasn't seen him in years, so there's a lot of room on this character to add your own flair.


The second: Sister. Her name is Genna Myr'it. She's four years older than Vale (33 years old) and was a tomboy as a child. She and Vale regularly got in fist fights, and she was taller than him up until his teenage years. She has long legs, dark hair, and blue eyes. She was always the stubborn type and struggled with containing her anger. Like Alistair, Vale hasn't seen her in over 7 years and has assumed she was dead all these years.


Both of these characters have a lot of room for a personal touch. Vale is currently going through training at the moment to face Alistair, but there doesn't necessarily have to be a fight at the end of the story. Vale's trying to come to terms with his past right now and there's always the potential that either Alistair or Vale's sister could dissuade him from the road of violence. All depends on how it's RP'd.


If either of these characters appeal to you, please contact me here on the RPC or in-game on my main character Vale Myr'it. I'd be happy to discuss further details with you and answer any questions you may have. 


And, for those interested, here is the wiki for Vale.


Thank you for your time and consideration!

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