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Hello! New Xaela en route to Balmung soon. Name needed.


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Hey guys. Been lurking awhile and figured it was time to post something. 

I used to RP really actively but have been on a bit of an extended hiatus, not only from roleplaying but from gaming in general. Work does that sometimes, but I've had the itch to get back into it for awhile now.


FF14 is the game everyone recommended so I figured I'd try it. Suffice to say I'm absolutely HOOKED and after finding out that Balmung is where the RP community is at I'll be transferring my Xaela promptly. He likes to punch things, so if you have some things that need punching he's your guy. 


There's one minor snag which is that he doesn't have a name...someone on Balmung is already using it. Actually someone on this SITE no less. Which is funnily enough how I FOUND this place to begin with xD. A cookie to whoever guesses which male Xaela from Balmung my character shares a name with at the moment, and another cookie to whoever helps me come up with a new name so I can transfer over without the FF14 client being mad at me for identity theft.


Anyways, that aside I'm looking forward to meeting you all!

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