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The Eorzean Jackalendar

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The fine folks at Jackal & Hide, proprietors of Sunny Seas Salvage and hosts of the Sunny Seaside Bar, are proud to unveil...


[align=center]The 7th Astral Era Eorzean Jackalendar![/align]

Our crew has very kindly offered to pose for a calendar, which will now be available to purchase either at our salvage shop or the bar for 150 gil. All proceeds, of course, will be put into the Sunny Futures Fund.


What is the Fund? It will probably come as no surprise to hear that, whilst some regions of Eorzea enjoy wealth and prosperity, poverty and strife still abound in many others. Covering the whole of Eorzea, the Fund makes donations to numerous organisations and individuals throughout the land, from orphans in Ul'dah to refugees fleeing Doma and many more. Your purchase of a Jackalendar will help us assist the downtrodden and hopefully bring better, sunnier futures to those in need.


[align=center]First Astral Moon - Locke Rinannis



First Umbral Moon - Aeron Volkova



Second Astral Moon - Thya Khazuun



Second Umbral Moon - J'kilid Tia and J'inarah Marad



Third Astral Moon - Xivrez'to Ithaka



Third Umbral Moon - Ciciru Ciru



Fourth Astral Moon - Z'thara Dhen



Fourth Umbral Moon - Chinua Dotharl



Fifth Astral Moon - Jino'ya Traore



Fifth Umbral Moon - Cassandra Lachance



Sixth Astral Moon - Ludivine Goultard



Sixth Umbral Moon - Kheja'a Akhabila



Bonus - Takia Himaa



Bonus - Bert Brewforge



OOC Information:


As mentioned above, the aim is to raise money for a charity fund we've created. You can ICly purchase a calendar either at our shop or our fortnightly bar nights. I've based the price on the costs of the drinks we serve at the bar so hopefully it's a reasonable amount. Also similar to the bar, real gil will not be used.


Of course, huge thanks to all of our crew members for posing, Kilid for taking most of the screenshots and Xiv for turning them all into beautiful calendar pages. This was a lot of work but also a lot of fun so we hope everyone enjoys it!

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  • 5 months later...

We've been able to raise a substantial amount of gil from the sales of the Jackalendar! Enough, in fact, that we were able to purchase clothing, food and other necessities and deliver those to refugees struggling to survive outside of Ul'dah.


We'd like to thank you all for donating to the Sunny Futures Fund and, in turn, helping those in need across Eorzea.








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