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[Balmung] Solenne Lagarde, Michaux Vidal, and Aki Tayasu

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I. Basic Info


Characters: Solenne Lagarde, Michaux Vidal, and Aki Tayasu

Primary Character: Solenne Lagarde

Linkshells: Mythril Wings, Ishgard RP, Yaluria's Paradise

Primary Linkshell: Mythril Wings


II. RP Style


Amount of RP (light, medium, heavy):


I definitely qualify as a heavy RPer. I level my characters slowly because I'll pretty much always choose RP over PVE if I can get it.


Views on RP combat and injuries:


RP combat is great if there is plenty of communication and coordination between the RPers. I'm not a big fan of dice rolls in RP because I think it ruins the immersion, but I'm aware that sometimes it's necessary to keep combat fair. I don't mind if my characters get injured - that does tend to happen in combat, after all - but I prefer that those injuries not be permanent. Things like lost limbs are difficult to RP when they can't be reflected in-game.


Views on IC romance:


I really enjoy IC romance, but I prefer it to happen organically. I don't pre-plan romances for my characters. I prefer complex, slow-burn romances over fluff and easy resolutions. Love isn't easy in real life, and I think RP should reflect that. Also, there's something really fun about a personality conflict, or outright antagonism, that very gradually morphs into a romance. If there's no significant character development involved in a romantic arc, I don't tend to find it entertaining.


As for Solenne, she's a bit contrary where love is concerned. She has never given her heart to anyone until recently, and she has a very rocky road ahead of her if she wants to make that relationship work.


Michaux is quiet, reserved, and a bit of a monomaniac about all things related to Gelmorra, so he might not be great boyfriend material. But if antisocial and mentally unbalanced Duskwights are your cup of tea, have at him. I would love to see how that turns out. :D


Aki is a young Doman Hyur still trying to find her footing in Eorzea. What she really, desperately needs right now are friends, but romance certainly isn't out of the question for her.


Views on non-romantic RP (family ties, etc):


I love RP of all kinds. I love weaving plots for my characters and dragging other people's characters into them. Tavern RP can be a lot of fun, but I like adventures, intrigue, exploration, etc. much more. Solenne in particular is not a person who can sit still for long. Even when she appears to be at her ease engaging in sedate conversation, schemes are always revolving in the back of her mind.


Family ties would be an interesting thing to explore with Solenne. She is the only child of a wealthy and highly respected Gridanian family, and it's very likely that she's connected by blood or marriage to other members of the Gridanian gentry. She could certainly be someone's cousin or niece if anyone is interested in that possibility.


As for other ties, Solenne was one of the founding members of an organization of adventurers, spies, and financial backers dedicated to rescuing falsely-accused heretics from Ishgard and the surrounding areas. (Think of the Scarlet Pimpernel rescuing aristocrats from the wrath of the French Revolution and you'll have a good idea of how Solenne's group operated.) On several occasions, Solenne herself breached the Gates of Judgment in the guise of an Ishgardian noblewoman, complete with a retinue of disguised co-conspirators, and managed to smuggle a number of prisoners and refugees out of the city. The organization has disbanded, but I'm certain that Solenne still has contacts from that period of her life. Please send me a message if you want your character to be a former member of Solenne's group, an Ishgardian collaborator, or one of the refugees she assisted. (Note that unless your character was actually a member of Solenne's group or a collaborator, they would know her only by her alias, Lady Winter.)


Michaux has no living relatives that he is aware of, and he's not particularly good at making friends. That doesn't mean he couldn't use a few, though! And anyone with a similar interest in Gelmorran lore will be of interest to him. He could probably also use a few enemies, especially Gridanian Wildwoods, so let me know if you're interested in that possibility.


Aki has a brother and father both missing and presumed dead in the wake of the Doman rebellion. She also has a mother and sister who are now living in Revenant's Toll. As for extended family, none of that is set in stone, so if anyone wants a cousin for their Doman Hyur character, Aki might fit the bill! Former friends and acquaintances from Doma would also be great. And of course she would love to make some new friends in Eorzea.


Views on lore:


Lore is very important to me. That's not to suggest that I'm not willing to bend it, but I'm not comfortable with breaking it outright. I think RPers owe it to themselves and other players to thoroughly research their characters and story lines to make them as lore-compliant as possible. It's definitely fun to explore the gaps and gray areas in the lore, but ignoring the hard-and-fast rules of the fictional world we're all trying to RP in will inevitably lead to conflict. And while I'm on the subject, I've only been playing the game for a few months at this point, so I might make mistakes without knowing it. If I do, please (gently) point it out to me, because I'm certainly not doing it on purpose.


Views on chat functions (/say, /linkshell, etc):


I am always IC in /say and /em, and I always put dialogue in quotes because I flagrantly disregard the intended purpose of /say and frequently use it for emotes. Tells are always OOC unless otherwise specified. Please send me a /tell before approaching my character for RP unless I'm emoting or participating in at RP event and it's obvious that I'm IC. Party chat is always OOC unless otherwise specified. OOC linkshells are obviously OOC, and RP linkshells are IC unless I'm using OOC bubbles.


III. Other Info


Country: USA

Timezone: Currently EDT (GMT-4)

Contact Info: Send me a PM here, contact me in-game on Solenne Lagarde, Michaux Vidal, or Aki Tayasu, or send me an ask via Solenne's Tumblr. I have a skype that I don't list publicly, but I'd be happy to share it privately with FC/linkshell mates or RP partners.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Updated again because Yisu Kha has now been fantasia'd into Aki Tayasu, a Doman Hyur who trained as an onna-bugeisha in her homeland, but who actually shows much more promise as a fledgling thaumaturgist.

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