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Looking for Knights and Coeurl Claws

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I am looking to find PCs to whom Laira would know IC already.


I am looking for two different groups however.


Coeurl Claw:

-Laira was associated with the group of poachers some years back. Although she now resides in Ishgard has a Knight of Dzemael, she still tries to keep in touch with her friends from the group.

-The roleplay here will largely be in the form of letter writing, atleast until Laira's story progresses to where she can return to the Twelveswood. As such, anyone from Balmung or Excalibur is welcome.


Knights of Dzemael:

-Laira currently serves as a Knight of Dzemael in Ishgard.

-This is currently where most of the in-game roleplay will most likely happen. As a result, this is a callout to anyone who has an OC on Excalibur.

-Anyone who has an OC who serves any of the high houses is welcome, as well as any OC who just happens to live in Ishgard is also welcome.

-I am also looking for a specific role as well. I am hoping to find someone who can fill the spot of Laira's zealot of a captain. He is a strict elezen, with desires of wiping Ishgard clean of heretics.


I am usually online between 8pm and 11pm, sometimes earlier. My in game and IC name are the same as here on the forum. Just reply to this thread, or send me a friend or party invite in game.

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