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Duelists Assemble!


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[align=center]Do you like playing Triple Triad? How about collecting MGP in the hopes of getting that sweet Fenrir mount? How about running dungeons over and over in the hopes for the small chance of getting a rare card because the completionist in you DEMANDS it?[/align]



[align=center]THIS IS THE LINKSHELL FOR YOU!!![/align]



[align=center]The goal of this Linkshell is pretty simple:[/align]


  1. Provide Triple Triad related resources and information to all you card hunters, such as upcoming events, OOC and IC tournaments, etc.
  2. Help newer Triple Triad players with early card collecting, NPC advice and deck building recommendations!
  3. Pair up Triple Triad players with one another for bi-weekly tournaments, or to practice/play test various decks.
  4. Form groups to run various content to get those more pesky cards (I'm looking at you Bartz & Terra!) and help others fill out their collections.

If you love Triple Triad, and want to get involved please contact myself (Flynt Knoltros) or Mhaya Bajihri Here or in game to get an invite! I'll see you collectors out there!

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