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seeking Twin (or triplets)

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hey hey everybody how are you all? Good? Nice to hear it!


Haha anyway, I have thought about this idea for a RIDICULOUS amount of time, like seriously 4-5 months is enough time yes? But i have finally decide that i want this to be a thing so here I am. 


One thing that needs to be know is im specifically looking for an identical twin, which if you haven't figured it out yet, means we will look "EXACTLY" the same and as of this moment I have thought of a few was that I feel this is possible.


1). Who ever is interested in doing this project with me can either start a new character and use the information that my character has to make their new character.


2). You can use a "Fantasia potion" to be able to keep all your classes/jobs +stats and all that yummy good stuff to re-make your character's appearance.


3). We could both decide together to make new characters with appeal options we both can agree on.


Now to give info on my availability, i will most likely always, no matter what, be on at 1:00AM PST-8:00AM Fri-Sun. I know this may be kinda bad for most people but im a collage student and really don't have the time to play games all week, but the schedule may change in the next month or two, for the better ^.^


So yeah if anyone is wanting to participate then come on along and comment on the thread, i thank you all for the hauling ton amount of help that you guys and gals have been giving me on this forum and i am truly thankful for that.


Ps:If there is anyone who would still like to be apart of this even after someone is found, i would be more then happy to make us all triplets <3

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