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Silverwind Chevalier


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 We are a Balmung rp group based in Coerthas/Ishgard. We have a standing agreement with Ishgard, in which we aid in defense of bases, camps and keeps, scouting (among many other such tasks),  as well as providing assistance or protection where we can to those who need it. 


 Main base is in Coerthas Central Highlands, near the Obseratorium, and we have camps in the area as well as a couple camps in Coerthas Western Highlands. 



 We have both an FC and linkshell available, so characters don't have to leave their current FC to be a part of the group. Prefer members who get along well enough with others,and are active. We are still a small group but are hoping to grow. 


 If interested or have any questions, please pm me on here. You could also message Luca Belmont or Dyne Van'sylvus in-game .

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