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Benedict Whiteraven

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I. Basic Info

•Characters: Benedict Whiteraven

•Primary character: Benedict Whiteraven

•Linkshells: N/A

•Primary RP linkshell: N/A


II. RP Style

•Amount of RP (light, medium, heavy):


I would say that I'm a medium roleplayer with some leanings towards heavy. Although I find the story well written and the combat enjoyable, roleplaying with others is where I get most of my enjoyment in game. I am perfectly ok with having OOC discussions but I prefer they not interrupt roleplay if possible.


•Views on RP combat and injuries:


I feel roleplay injuries and combat to be a natural part of the game. I have roleplayed Benedict suffering from many injuries throughout his career and find that when combat is called for then it adds to the roleplay. That being said, I do not believe it ever benefits anyone to break from lore or take things to a godlike extreme when it comes to classes and combat. Such as, don't all of a sudden pull a magical knife that has the power to never have the injuries it inflicts be healed and constantly cause crippling pain and expect me to not hit the PAUSE button and ask, "WTF?" I am also a fan of incorporating class abilities into my combat descriptions if I am roleplaying to be a member of that class.

•Views on IC romance:


I think this is another area of the game where doing it well is beneficial but going overboard can bring misery to all. I love the idea of character meeting and relationships being formed, romantic or not. This is one of the great joys of mmo roleplaying, the ability to interact and have relationships with other characters. If this becomes romantic, then you get to explore something new in character. My only real advice is keep it IC and not OOC.

•Views on non-romantic RP (family ties, etc):


See above. Caveat: Nonromantic relationships are a pillar of a good roleplay community. Friends IC usually make good friend OOC. Romantic IC count as good friends OOC in this case.


•Views on lore:


Lore is the backbone of the game and without it then we are basically playing in the plumb pudding of fantasy rpgs. The lore is what makes the world and the game itself, unique. I try not to break the lore, although I admit to not being so well versed that I don't do something by accident. Once I know better, I tend to adjust my roleplay accordingly.


•Views on chat functions (/say, /linkshell, etc):

I use says almost exclusively IC. Linkshells, tells, and other sorts of contact I adjust based on who I am speaking with. If a LS is mostly OOC then I use it for OOC, but if it is designed to be a hub for RP, then roleplay it is.




III. Other Info

•Country: USA


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