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Hellfyre Inc. Tavern & Inn (Sargantas)


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[align=center]We are both a Free Company and a Linkshell.[/align]


[align=center]Our main purpose is to offer a home to RPers and non-RPers alike. [/align]

[align=center]We welcome all races, genders, and sexes, we discriminate against no one.[/align]

[align=center]If you are a new player or a veteran players looking to make a fresh start,[/align]

[align=center]we extend an invitation to you to come give us a look. [/align]


[align=center]Our Free Company is Hellfyre Inc. - It is OoC, seeing as most people would be only wanting to join up to do trades and what not anyways. It is ran by a man named Ignatius Cross and he is almost always online. [/align]


[align=center]Our Linkshell is the Tavern - It is almost always IC, always in the same location, a basic tavern with a bar, chairs, fireplace. Three rooms upstairs, two washrooms Male and female and third room which is the entrance to the boarding rooms. They can be whatever you want them to be.[/align]


There are a few rules however.


  1. Don't be a dick. I cannot stress this enough. If you are roleplaying in the Linkshell, even if your characters persona is to be a dick to people, please be courteous to those around you. 
  2. All Roleplay must be consensual. If someone doesn't want to RP with you, back off. Plain and simple.
  3. Adult themed RP is your own business. Flirting, and even a bit of saucey banter is fine in the LS, but before it gets too X-Rated, take it to whispers or a private party. 
  4. You do not have to join the FC just because you join the LS and vice versa. However keep in mind that the FC is all OOC and the LS is supposed to be all RP.
  5. All RP takes place in the tavern unless we are doing an event, which then it takes place on location. 

If you are interested in joining either the FC or LS you can find me online usually in the evenings. Avorie Tristance. I am the acting Matron of the Tavern and I am currently seeking active RPers, with a little bit of experience to act as staff.

  • 2 Barkeeps
  • Maybe 3 or 4 waitresses
  • An acting security guard

If you might be interested in a position please say so in your reply. I will check the forum daily so I don't miss anyone. I'll also probably update this post a bit once I get some active members. Hope to see you all around![/align]

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Hello there! I am new to ffxiv and am looking to RP on a server other then Balmung as it is locked right now. Please let me know if I can join the linkshell! Thanks! :)

 You most certainly can. I do need a name tho, so that I might look you up. Anyone interested in joining our little gang of adventurers is welcome to sign up. I will be on for a bit starting now. So send me a message online if ya like.

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